Chapter 1 - The Arrival

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"Er miss, you've arrived at your destination." What? I opened my eyes suddenly trying to remember where I was. The taxi driver was looking at me expectantly. I was here.

"Thank you sir." I said handing him the money plus a little extra as he had probably put up with my snoring for the past few hours. I got out the cab and grabbed my suitcase. So this was it. Liverpool...

The house that stood before me was huge, with a little gate and tulips everywhere. I walked calmly up to the front door and knocked politely. This was the first time I would ever meet my uncle and I wasn't looking forward to it.

The door opened and a tall, lean man beckoned me in. "Hello, you must be Rosalind." I smiled, doing my best to disguise my disgust at him using my full name.

We went into the house and he showed me my room. I had my own bathroom and a double bed and a walk in wardrobe. Bloody hell, this guy was minted. I had come to live with my Uncle since my Ma passed away due to cancer. He's promised to look after me.

I carefully unpacked my things and placed my clothes in the wardrobe. Now I was here I wasn't sure what to do.

Sitting on the edge of the bed I took in my surroundings. I grabbed my guitar and played some songs humming to myself. At around 8 Uncle called me down for dinner.

I sat across from him at the table trying to eat my prawns neatly. He cleared his throat. "Rosalind, tell me about yourself." He said sitting back in his chair. Oh shit. I had to impress him. "I adore music and painting." I said truthfully. He nodded and said he enjoyed those things to. After more small talk and desert I went upstairs to bed. It had been a long day. Besides, tomorrow was the day when I would start Quarry Bank School.

Baby it's you fanficOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora