Chapter: 4 fight

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Hey guys hope you enjoy this chapter


Kane's /POV

<MATE> My wolf howled.

I shifted into human form in a blink of an eye. All my attention was suddenly on her, my mate,her blue eyes were looking at me with what looked like horror, her black hair,was covering most of her face, but I could tell she was beautiful.

<WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR, MARK HER AS OURS!> My wolf yelled at me, I could feel him yearning for me to grab her in my arms and claim her as ours.

When I took a step towards her, a growl, erupted in the air. I turned and saw the rouge, he had pushed my mate behind him, and that's when all hell broke loose.


I lunged at him turning into wolf form in a blink of an eye, I heard my mate scream,and the rouge yell, Chloe run! I saw her turn around and run.

I instantly ran after her, but was caught off when the rouge lunged at me in wolf form, he was on my back clawing into me.

I twisted and turned in-till I bucked him off, I then rammed my self into him, sending him flying almost ten feet,he fell unto the ground with a loud thud,but he didn't stay down, he got up again and lunged at my throat, I moved out of the way,just in time,I then lunged at him.


I aimed for the throat, pinning him to the ground in the process. I was about to rip his throat out, when a piercing female scream,bounced through the air, I instantly recognized as my mates.

I got off the rouge and ran to where I thought I heard my mate's scream came from. I could tell the rouge was right behind me, i didn't know why he was following me, instead of running away,but I didn't care,my mate was in danger and I had to find her.

I ran a few more feet when I came unto, one of my wolfs,he was standing over somebody,the person was covered in blood, and was knocked out,cold.

I instantly lost all control when,I realized the person was my mate, I lunged at him,clawing and biting, he didn't fight back,which made me a bit madder.

I didn't stop biting and clawing him till I was satisfied,on how I left him, I still wanted to hurt for hurting my mate,i turned around to check on her,but she was gone,only a smudge of blood was left in the place that she was lying unconscious,my wolf howled in agony.


I suddenly felt Bryan, reaching me through my mind.

<Kane where are you, I thought I heard a scream!> he asked.

<I'm near the south side,near the end of my territory!> I responded.

After a few minuets,of waiting I heard him running, up to where I was. When he got here he shifted into human form and took in the scene before his eyes. He looked confused.

"Kane, what happened, where's the Rouge and why is one of our wolfs all bloodied and torn,and who screamed." He asked looking more confused by the second.

That's when it hit me,the rouge took her,that's why he must of followed me, he wanted to take her and hurt her, as revenge for almost killing him!

Just the very thought of him getting near my mate was setting me off into killing mode. Bryan must of notice me getting mad, and took a step back.

"Kane, what's the matter?"

" Meet me at the pack house, in my office,in half an hour, and I'll explain everything." I told Bryan.

He looked at me and nodded."How about the wolf, what do want me to do with him?"

I looked over at the wolf, I really wanted to tell Bryan, to just leave him there to rot,but that wouldn't be a very Alpha thing,for me to do.

"Send the pack doctor over here,to check on him,and then tell him to keep quiet about what he sees." I told him.

"Yes,Alpha." He said.

I turned around, and started towards the pack house. I will find that rouge and tear him apart!

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