Utopia Part One

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"Cardiff." The Doctor said as he landed the Tardis in Roald Dahl Plass, not taking his eyes off the monitor.

"Cardiff?" Martha asked him, clarifying as she stood by the railing.

Amanda nodded as she began to type a message on her phone. She wanted to schedule a meeting with her manager and company officials to officially leave her record label, Utopia records. She had enough of them trying to take over her life and change her sense of self. She was no longer allowing them to walk all over her, she was going to make it clear that once her album was released, that will be all from her; she was going to travel with the Doctor full time.

"Ah, but the thing about Cardiff, it's built on a rift in time and space, just like California and the San Andreas Fault, but the rift bleeds energy. Every now and then I need to open the engines, soak up the energy and use it as fuel." the Doctor told them as he noticed something on the monitor before brushing it off. 

"So, it's a pit stop." Martha realized out loud.

"Exactly. Should only take twenty seconds. The rift's been active." The Doctor said as Amanda replied to Alec's messages, who was demanding to see her in person. Amanda insisted that she would only see him once the meeting was scheduled and set, she didn't want Alec to try and convince her to stay. Even though she knew that she could defend herself against him, something inside her was still scared of the man. 

"Wait a minute. They had an earthquake in Cardiff a couple of years ago. Was that you?" Martha asked the Doctor as Amanda looked at him curiously.

"Bit of trouble with the Slitheen. A long time ago. Lifetimes. I was a different man back then." He joked as he remembered the past. 

Amanda frowned; she could have sworn she heard about that story from Rose; she remembered that it was before she had joined them as Amora, but she felt as though something was missing. She remembered that it wasn't just the Doctor and Rose, she remembered someone else being with them, but the Doctor never spoke about the hidden companion, it was almost like he was ashamed of something.

"Finito. All powered up." The Doctor told them cheerfully as he began to press buttons on the dashboard. He frowned at something on the scanner, causing Amanda to walk over to him and lean over, trying to see what had upset him but was shaking when a bang erupted, distracting her as she went to hold on to the dashboard.

"Whoa! What's that?" Martha asked as she held on to the railing.

The Doctor ran around the console, trying to diffuse the situation. "We're accelerating into the future. The year one billion. Five billion. Five trillion. Fifty trillion? What? The year one hundred trillion? That's impossible." He said in shock as he looked over the monitor.

"Why? What happens then?" Martha questioned as the Tardis shook harder and let out a noise, causing Amanda to wince at the panic that sounded from the Tardis; whatever was happening, the Tardis was very upset over it.

"We're going to the end of the universe." The Doctor said grimly, causing Amanda and Martha to share a look of worry at his tone. "Well, we've landed." He said as the Tardis stopped moving, allowing them to let go of the railing and dashboard.

"So, what's out there?" Amanda asked worriedly, taking glances at the door. Part of her wanted to stay in the Tardis, where she knew that they were safe and protected but another part of her knew that they had to check it out and figure out as to why the Tardis took them to the end of the universe.

The Doctor shrugged. "I don't know." he said to them. 

"Did we just hear that correctly? You don't know." Amanda joked nervously. "Please tell me you're joking." she told him. 

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