Chapter 3

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Leo wakes up the next morning and goes off to wake the others for the day ahead. "Hey, lovebirds get up, there's an interesting day ahead." Leo says shaking Jacob and Sophie awake. "Ugh, where? Why are we in Asda?" Sophie says looking around before her face turns into a grim expression. "Oh right, the undead." She grimaced and stood up before grabbing her now empty bag and addressing the group. "I'm going off to scout for food and water and whatever else I can scrounge up, because I think that's a logical first step to take in an apocalypse." Sophie then turns on her heel and walks off into the shop. "I swear if she gets herself killed." Jacob muttered getting himself up as well. 

Connor wanders into McDonald's where everyone was sleeping. "And I have my own plans for the day ahead." He said grabbing his bag. "And what would that be hm?" Jacob asks staring right at him. "I need a screwdriver so I can unhook a fence that we can use as a weapon." As Connor says this Jacob just gives him a confused look. "There's knives and stuff here y'know? Gardening tools as well, we could take the blades off a lawnmower and use those too." He said still giving Connor an incredulous look. "Don't sweat it, I'll come back with a bag of weapons by the end of the day." Connor says giving Jacob and Leo a thumbs up and walking off into the store. "I'm going with Sophie to help her gather supplies." Jacob says grabbing his stuff and walking off leaving Leo alone. "And I'll do fuck all I guess." Leo mutters walking into the kitchen in McDonald's to check for supplies.

Jacob catches up with Sophie and nearly makes her drop a bottle of whiskey. "Y'know, before the military show up and fix this, I think we should all have a little fun." She says holding the bottle up. "You really think the military can fix this mess?" Jacob asks raising an eyebrow being a skeptic about the whole thing. "Well they killed Osama Bin Laden they can kill a couple brain dead freaks!" Sophie said mildly annoyed at Jacob's lack of faith in the military. "I'm just trying to be realistic, I don't really want to have to struggle through a zombie apocalypse if I'm honest." Jacob said grabbing some wine and other bottles of alcohol as he moved onto grabbing some actual food for the group.

"Y'know." Sophie spoke up out of the blue while they were grabbing canned food. "You'd be a great leader, you could lead the group out of this mess." Sophie said with a soft smile on her face, giving Jacob a loving look. "Well, back in school I had my egotistical personality act but now I don't think it's really the time for it, maybe only here and there." Jacob then looked off to see Connor at the other end of the shop. "YOU FAT CUNT!" He yelled trying to crack a wise one like he did all the time back in school. Connor just gave him a blank stare from down the shop and walked away. "Yeah, not really the time." Jacob concluded shrugging his shoulders. "Let's just keep moving, I want to get the group food before-." He's cut off as Sophie comes up to him and kisses him gently. "I figured you needed that." She said giving him a small hug and walking off. "We're in this together and you aren't getting rid of us." She said happily as she then walked off into the neighbouring aisle.

Meanwhile Connor returned to Freyja and Lily who were waiting to see if he'd been able to scrounge around long enough for a screwdriver. "No luck, just had a mannequin fall on me." He said giving the toppled mannequin a death glare before turning back to the two." There's another aisle I could think of and that's called the back." Connor stated looking at the doors that lead to the storage units where all the produce is kept. "We'd also find the freshest food there and maybe even some weapons." Connor said shrugging and walking over to the unsurprisingly locked door. "Dammit, employees must have locked up and ran when the first walkers attacked." After giving the door a long stare Lily walked up it and giving it a hard kick it came flying open. "There, you could learn a thing or two from me." She said with a smirk on her face." Yeah yeah, just wait til I save your ass from a walker then we'll see who's talking." Connor retaliated with a smirk as he made his way into the storage area.

As he pushed open the shockingly unlocked set of double doors into the warehouse he was greeted by a small group of undead Asda workers. "This is a really damn sorry sight ain't it?" He said looking at the walkers. "I wonder if walkers can be choked out?" Freyja suddenly said walking over to one and violently strangling it. Connor then turned to Lily with a rather disturbed look on his face. "She normally this violent?" He asked while staring at Freyja struggling to kill the walker via strangulation. Lily's eyes then go wide as she suddenly charges forward and tackles the walker, pinning it down as Freyja finishes it off. Connor sigh as runs at another walker coming towards the two of them but after getting in its path freezes up unsure of how to effectively kill it. "O-oh god w-what do I d-do?" He says not taking his eyes off it but really hesitant to actually go up and try attack it but it's slowly closing in on him.

Jacob and Sophie arrive back at McDonald's where Leo is sat drinking prime with sunglasses on. "Leo, what the actual fuck is this?!" Jacob says annoyed that Leo isn't taking things seriously. "What? Just having a bit of fun, no more laws and I haven't seen any military pass through yet so why not?" Leo says clearly trying to make grabbing unnecessary items seem like a good idea. Jacob walks up to him and snatches the sunglasses from his face and throws them aside. "From now on, we only take what we need to, no random junk that'll slow us down and more importantly, limit our vision!" Jacob then looks around trying to sus out where Connor and Lily are. "Where are those two lovebirds?" He says annoyed before walking off into the shop to try and track them down.

As the walker gets dangerously close to Connor, Connor stumbles and trips over his feet causing the walker to fall on top of him and Lily kicks the walker off and Freyja jabs a rusty piece of metal through its skull. "You'll have to learn to kill eventually." Lily says giving Connor a look of "get your shit together" and walking off to fill up her bag with food, tools and weapons. Connor saunters around for a bit trying to calm down after having nearly died to a walker and comes across a box of D.I.Y tools and sees all sorts of things like screwdrivers, nuts, bolts and other construction stuff like tape and bindings. "Hey, nice find." Lily says filling her bag and giving Connor a thumbs up before Connor kneels down and fills his own bag and walks off to gather some weaponry.

He stumbles across as box of knives and a few other kitchen utensils but for some reason there was an old brick fallen into the box which Connor picked up and pocketed just as Jacob burst through the door. "Who the fuck is this?!" He says outraged at the new face and he snatches one of the kitchen knives from Connor and holds it to her throat. "Jesus Jacob! Calm down she's with us, she's my girlfriend." Lily says like she was slightly embarrassed to admit it to him. "You're what? How long as she been stalking us for?" He says not taking the knife away from her neck. "S-since yesterday." Said Lily now fearing for her girlfriend's life but some yelling from outside draws attention away and everyone runs back out to see conflict arising at McDonald's

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