the sleeping bag dilemma

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"the sleeping bag dilemma"


They were gathered around the stove, sleeping bags wrapped around themselves, thanking the sun for coming out, when Robert suddenly said, "You know how our socks are wet? Why don't we just cook them? That'll warm them up, won't it?"

"I actually thought you were going to say something smart there for once," Elijah said. He was sat opposite to Eden. They were separated once again — boys on one side, girls on the other. Just as they were in The Centre. But, with Josh and Ryan added on.

"This is incredibly smart, Eli." Robert peeled his socks from his feet, leaving Min-Hee to make a sound of disgust and the others to watch him place them down in the empty stove. He turned on the gas, flames flickered light across the grassy ground. The purple walking socks were moved around gently by Robert's hands — who still looked very sure of himself as the rest of the group laughed amongst themselves.

Some girls from another group flocked behind Robert. They had been pointing at the stove, giggling and all had their socks in hand.

"Hey, please can we put ours in?" The girl was Scottish and had a beanie upon her head.

"That's such a good idea! Think I might have frostbite, my toes are so numb," another said.

"See, Eli," Robert muttered as he dropped the socks he was passed one-by-one into the stove, along with his, "Don't question my brilliance."

"Doesn't seem very hygienic. We're going to put food in that later." Ryan's hair had dried very strangely due to the rainwater, it was all floating like a halo above his head. He was right, Eden thought, did she really want to cook her dinner in a stove filled with remnants of foot juice.

Mr Orman had already appeared before Robert could protest against Ryan's words. The Irish man gave Robert a pat on the back, "Good lad. Such a bright idea. First time I've ever seen anyone do this."

"Thanks, sir." Robert smiled at Mr Orman then gave Elijah and Ryan the middle finger, hidden beneath his arm. He also stuck out his tongue to worsen the blow. Elijah just continued to sip on his coffee, probably used to Robert's jests.

"We'll be warming up one piece of clothing from each person in the minivan. I know a few of you don't have dry sleeping bags either so you can bring those along to. Tonight is going to be cold — very cold compared to the rest of the week so keeping nice and toasty is important. You've all done a great job of walking today. I'm proud of all of you and you should all be proud of yourselves." Mr Orman's speech was sleep-inducing. Eden hadn't been too tired until she heard it. "Also, your last walking day is tomorrow. We'll be leaving Sunday morning, riding back to the Centre where you'll collect your awards then each school will go their separate ways. I hope you've all made some great friends and enjoyed yourselves. Tomorrow will be sunny, I promise you this time, and if you have any tasks left to complete, they should be finished by the end of tomorrow."

All the groups had this sad look on their faces. Everyone had made some kind of friend due to this expedition. They'd all learnt a lot about themselves. Suddenly losing all contact with them would be heartbreaking. Eden would get all of their phone numbers, Instagrams, Snapchats, just anything to make sure they all kept talking. They'd had so many shared experiences and would surely be able to laugh about all of it in the future.

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