Chapter 3:

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She walked to the table, grabbed an apple and a banana and left.

Richard spat " Disrespectful child, where are your manners? "

Sapphire smirked " In the earth. Dig up the ground and place me there. My ghost will respect you then. " Sapphire continued walking.

Richard clicked his tongue Fiona got up and followed after her. Anna was going to get up but Darren held her hand and shook his head. She obeyed.

Fiona caught up to her. Darling, I love you. And no matter what you're going through I want to help you. Won't you tell me?

"Will tell you if-"

" Your death lines have gotten old. Sapphire, tell me."

" I had a bad dream "

" Darren told me the same thing," Fiona said

" I remembered my past life."

Fiona sighed " You have no plan on telling me."


"Even though I love you?" Fiona added

"Nope." Sapphier answered.


" cause I don't want to. "

" I'm hurt. Now I want a hug. A big one."

" No." Saphiere turned away.

"Okay then." Fiona hugged her but she didn't resist. "Why aren't you resisting?"

"Because I'm feeling cold."

Fiona smirked ''Oh really?"


Fiona tickled her and she laughed "Stop... tickling me!"

" Not unless you tell your mother what's on your mind. "

" Fine, fine" she stopped tickling. " I want to die but you guys are giving me a reason to live. I don't want to live. I don't want to live anymore."

" According to what I heard. For four lifetimes your heart was broken. How about you forget that man and live the life you want."

Sapphire looked up at the sky and contemplated her mother's words. " I'll think about it."

" Good." Fiona smiled. She then frowned remembering Prince Romeo was coming today. " Uhm. Saph. There's something I need to tell you."


"Prince Romeo and his friends are coming over today for a play day. Your father made this arrangement so you can apologize."

Sapphire freaked out. " You don't love me!"

"I do. I told your dad about it but he didn't let up. You did punch him for no reason. So if you apologize maybe he may never see you again."

"Mom, I'm not going to see him."

"You have to apologize, you were wrong."

"Did brother tell you it was the dark-haired bastard that cheated on me?"

Fiona pouted "Yeah"

"Then no! I'm going to avoid him for the rest of my life."

"How about this, you can act crazy and bring up the annulment of your marriage. Then you can make your own decisions."

"Mom. Your a genius!" Sapphire celebrated.

She hugged her mother. From then on they talked about the future.

My Fifth Life as the AntagonistHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin