Chapter 4: Near and Far

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Blade did not listen

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Blade did not listen. In other words, he did not want to. Why should he when he's having so much fun?

He can feel the adrenaline pumping through his veins as he engages himself completely in the battle.

He lost all his senses as he attacked the Mara-Strucks repeatedly with lethal force, his lips twitching up in a smirk.

Oh, how he enjoyed the feeling and the thrill of the battle.

However, he felt a strange feeling of rage when he heard her cry out.

His eyes immediately went to the tassel among the Mara-Strucks on the ground.

And launched towards it, not caring if he is going to be stabbed by the Mara-Strucks.

Their blades pierce through him, stopping his movement.

Only for a second.

He sends them to death with a swing of his sword and pulls their blades out of his body, blood dripping from the wound.

He wiped the blood away from the corner of his mouth. "Not enough."

He kicked the Mara-Strucks away, taking away their last breath, until he is the last one standing among the corpses and armor.

Cordelia rushed towards him. "Are you serious?! Charging in recklessly will get you killed!"

He looked down at the ground and picked up the tassel among the corpses.

He then held out his hand.

She stared at his hand and tilted her head slightly.


Blade took one of her hands and place the silvery white tassel in her hand. "Here."

She looked at the soft tassel in her hand.

Thankfully, the tassel was attached together in one piece. She sighed in relief and shake the dust off from the tassel.

"Thank you, but really, you don't have to do this."

Blade stared at her expressionlessly.

"I didn't do it for you, I did it for me."

She gazed at him for a moment. And then she sighed. "Even so, charging in so recklessly..."

She sighed again but peered closely at his stab wounds. Blood poured out of wounds nonstop.

She reaches out her hand to heal it.

Blade saw what she was doing and grasped her hand.

"Unnecessary." He grumbled, still holding her hand in his.

She looked up at him, her eyebrows furrowed together in frustration and confusion.

"You have several stab wounds and you don't want to heal them?"

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