Spider job.

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My morning went as usual, however I noticed that my bashed up hand was healed.

y/n thinking: "Okay, either way Rias healed this or one of my powers is regeneration, because it could never heal on itself so fast."

I then put my suit on and started swinging.

While I was swinging someone called me.

??: "This is Spider Man, right?"

y/n: "Yeah, wait a minute how do you know my number??"

??: "I'm the captain of the police department, I want to ask you if you're interested in working with us."

y/n: "Sure, so what's your name captain?"

Yuriko: "Yuriko."

y/n: "So umm do you want to know my real name?"

Yuriko: "I don't care who you are, as long as you help us."

y/n: "Great."

Yuriko: "So when you defeat some thugs call me, okay?"

y/n: "Sure."

I then proceeded to web some criminals up and called Yuriko.

She the told her police team to arrive and they cuffed the criminals.

My web swinging day went like that and then I headed to the ORC room through the window.

Koneko: "That is a crime, Issei."

y/n: "Did somebody say crime?"

Issei: "Only you can appear in the most radom time ever."

Asia then came out of the shower.

y/n: "Hold up, aren't you dead or something?"

Koneko: "President made her a bishop."

y/n: "Oh."

I then put my spider suit in my backpack.

Asia: "Koneko, y/n and Issei-san?"

Koneko: "In this country it's a serious crime to steal underwear."

Koneko said as Issei was holding a white bra.

Asia: "Crime?"

I then started unzipping my backpack.

Issei: "It was just hanging and I accidentally picked it up..."

He said as he was trying to hang it, but failed.

Asia: "I'm sorry, I thought I could clean it before everyone came back."

Issei: "It's alright, you live here after all."

y/n thinking: "Why am I here? Just to suffer."

Asia: "President said she'll find me a house before I'll attend school."

Few hours later.

Koneko and Kiba were playing chess, Asia was just sitting there, I was scrolling through my phone, meanwhile Issei and Rias were talking.

Issei then said something about newspapers and left.


Asia: "Yes?"

Rias: "I know where you can live."

They stared at each other.

I stopped scrolling through my phone.

Friendly (High School DxD x male reader.)Where stories live. Discover now