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"Willingly?" It was a statement of unbelief.

"Absolutely." Annabeth reassured him. "We just need to grab hold of someone he will give himself up for."

"I see."

"Nico, grab the ambrosia and a glass of water. Jason, the nectar, then I need you to clear the room. I can't think with everyone in here."

"Sorry, Pipes, doctor's orders," Jason said apologetically after grabbing the nectar.

All Piper did was nod, eyes never leaving the form on the bed and slowly backing out of the room with the rest of the Seven.

That day's raid came much earlier than they'd anticipated and they suffered because of it. They weren't ready and for the first time since the raids started, they lost a few cabins closest to the beach. The cabin dedicated to children of the Nereids was destroyed and they'd almost gotten Percy's cabin but the twins had escaped somehow and ran to him the first chance they got.

He managed to lead the two of them in driving the wave of monsters back until the rest of camp could assemble.

But he had gotten a rather long slice on his back from a determined empousae. It ran around his back and halfway to his belly button.

Now, Will was assessing the damage, trying to see how deep it was and if it got to any organs.

"When I say...I need you, Nico, to pour the glass of water on that table over this part of the wound." Will gestured with his gloved, bloody hands to the lower part of the gash on his side. It was the most concerning part of the wound because up to that point, it was a smooth gash running straight down his back. This part had jerked sideways, leading to the front side of him. Will wasn't sure that it had missed his internal organs yet.

The two remaining demigods in the room were silent. Not daring to make a sound that could distract him. They waited in anxious anticipation for Will to stop his administrations. At Will's nod, Nico poured the water and held his breath.

Blood cleared, showing only torn muscle. Will poked around some more but eventually leaned back with a relieved sigh.

"The water, ambrosia, and nectar are doing their jobs." Will said. "It missed everything important just barely and if it weren't for his water healing powers, he would be in much worse shape."

Jason and Nico sighed in relief.

"I'll go tell Piper and the others." Jason said. He left the room to see two nine year olds sheepishly waiting right outside the room.

"Is he okay?" Jason wasn't entirely sure he knew which one had asked the question.  Both had sandy hair, green eyes, and freckles. They were identical in every way and he could never get the names straight anyways. The names were even similar. Jack and Zack. Whoever decided that was a brilliant idea to name identical twins needs a brain check.

"He'll be fine." Jason said, smiling reassuringly. "He'll need to rest for a while so he's sleeping now."

They both sagged in relief. "Piper and the others went to the Pavilion." The other twin said. "They said to tell you and Nico when you were done so you could take about what to do next and tell them about Percy."

Jason thanked them and poked his head back in the room to tell Nico.

By the time the two of them made it to the others, they'd received the news that, per doctor Will's orders, Percy would be benched at least until the next day.

- - -

When Percy woke up, it was to Reyna, Piper, Jason, Grover, and Will talking quietly (or so they thought) in the corner. The pain from his wound had faded to a dull ache but he knew that once he moved it would flare up. The last thing he remembered was passing out from the pain and blood loss once the monsters started retreating. He decided to not make it known he was awake just yet.

"How are we going to keep him from fighting until he's healed?" Grover asked. "He won't like that he can't help."

"I don't know," Will groaned, rubbing his temples. "It's hard enough keeping him from training."

"And we're gonna need all hands since he's out of any fights until then." Reyna pointed out. "We can't have Frank and Butch watch him like they've been doing."

"And where are we going to put the twins and the Iris kids?" Piper said. "Their cabins need to be completely rebuilt."

Now Percy started sitting up, the pain in his back flaring as expected. "They can stay with me." He suggested.

The group in the corner snapped around to look at him. Will rushed over to help him finish sitting up.

"Are you sure you should sit up right now?" Reyna asked.

"The pain is almost gone." Percy said. You know, like a liar. "I'm taking that to mean it's almost done healing. Besides, Will can't check if I'm laying on it."

Said demigod had been undoing the bandages while they were talking and nodded. "Yeah, it's closed up now. You can go back to your cabin and get the twins and the Iris kids settled. I'm sure they wouldn't object to living with you."

"The twins were really worried, Perce." Jason said, smiling weakly at him.

"We all were." Piper added. "I'll send the kids over so you don't have to go looking for them."

"I'll go with you." Grover said, smiling at him. "I'm assuming you already heard you can't fight until you're healed all the way."

"Yeah," Percy confirmed ruefully. He stood up slowly, testing his back. "Let's go, we've got a lot to do today."

They'd only made it a few hundred yards away from the infirmary when Percy needed a break. Grover helped by letting him lean on him as they hobbled to his cabin.

He and Grover had just finished cleaning up and preparing his cabin when all the kids arrived.

"Where's Jack and Zack?" Percy asked Piper who was looking in from the doorway.

"They're off training. They know to come here when they are done." She waved her hand. "Thanks for taking them in, Percy. I'm not sure the Hermes cabin could have taken them all."

"No problem." He said. "I've got the room."

As the Iris kids were settling down, he sat down at his desk and started working. He had a lot to do today; things are going to change pretty quickly.

Some time later, the door burst open, revealing Jack, face pale and sweat dripping from his nose. Or was that sea water?

"Percy! She's got him! She's got Zack!"

Automatically, any pain Percy may or may not have been feeling no longer existed in his mind. He stood abruptly, his chair falling backwards. "Who's got him?" Now he saw the tears in Jack's eyes.

"A-Anna-Annabeth!" He sputtered. He was getting too overwhelmed to speak completely coherently but Percy and Grover understood perfectly.

"Percy, don't." Grover warned. "Let's get the others—"

"There's no time." Percy said shortly. "Take me there, Jack."

Ignoring all the messages his body was sending him, he raced after the nine year old. Wind was picking up, soon all he could hear was the wind as he raced  along the beach. Then, when he could see a familiar blonde figure surrounded by a group of monsters, holding Zack with a blade to his throat, he shot past him.

"Annabeth!" He shouted. "Let him go!"

Poor Zack was sobbing, looking at Percy and his brother running at him. "Stop, Percy! Jack! Don't come! You don't need to—just stay away!"

Hearing that from Zack made Percy's heart break. Children of the sea have very similar flaws it seems. But he wasn't about to let this go without a fight.

"Annabeth, don't do this!" He shouted over the wind. "Let him go!"

"I don't think so." Annabeth said cooley. She glanced at Zack and smirked as he whimpered. "Lord Pontus needs all the water affiliated spirits on his side. That includes the Nereids."

Realization dawned on Percy as he looked from Jack to Zack.

Everything was frozen for an unbearably long amount of time. Then: "Take me. I'm a bigger fish than that."

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