Chapter 1: Death's door

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This chapter has been edited by my friend so thanks to him this chapter is better...still bad just less bad

I look around while checking that our surroundings are safe. All that was seen is a beautiful forest as dawn shone upon me and my current traveling partner. My traveling partner, a very beautiful woman, especially as the sun rises onto her face. She has pale skin with jet black hair and a slender build; but her most beautiful trait is her eyes, an oceanic blue. She opened her eyes while I was staring— caught off guard, I immediately look away, but she caught on anyway and just stares at me with a deadpan.

Sweat drops from my forehead as she speaks up, "You know, I could tell you were staring at me the whole time right, Akira?" A teasing smile formed on her lips.

Feeling myself get flustered, I glare at her. "Shut it, all I did was gaze at you Nanaka...Idiot.," I let out a huff while packing our things away, giving Nanaka to go to a nearby river to wash up before we move out again.

After some time, we finally arrived at a small town to restock and eat before we head out once more to take Nanaka to be blessed by the deity Amaterasu. Doing so is tradition in her clan, seeing as her clan comes from a long line of honored ones. As an heir, you are expected to be blessed with extraordinary gifts from the gods themselves. I am one such person, and unfortunately, I have no family left. On my own, I was trained by a great swordsman for a time before escorting Nanaka, as we are childhood friends.unfortunately again, we lost contact 3 years ago only to have recently obtained a letter sent by her family, asking for my assistance. To which I agreed only if I was to be allowed a position as head guard of their main estate, which, of course, I already planned on reaching with or without help.

I look over and notice Nanaka has seemed down our entire trip so I've decided to ask why, "Oi, Nanaka, why're you so down? If ya don't cheer up, I'll kick yer ass?!"

She laughs in response before answering, "Hahaha, well, I can't really say as it's a clan secret that you need not know of." She waves me off.

Alright, that does it, she's getting a head smack. I run over, smack her on the back of her head, and run ahead laughing, although she seems less pleased now.

"Get back here you fool!!!" She screams as she quickly gives chase, not able to catch up due to her lack of stamina and speed.

I'm currently looking towards the night sky wishing to be amongst the stars, so free and unshackled by the weight of others just floating aimlessly, not much purpose nor weighed down by those weaker than you...I wish I could be up there with them I take a glance towards Nanaka, only to see her sleeping soundly. I have a feeling this blessing isn't anything good, I don't wish for her to have this burden that I carry. She's far too innocent for that, she hasn't experienced the hardships I have. I simply wish she could be free from her clan, I know they sadden her greatly. One day I shall have allies that will help me kill all of the clan leaders and replace them with leaders who care, not for themselves and power but for their people and the safety of those who they hold dear. snapping out of my thoughts I see her shifting uncomfortably, so I walk over crouching down. I gently pat her head which seems to do the trick of calming her down a little. I smile before heading over to a tree and leaning on it to get some shut eye.

I yawn, stretching as I lean forward looking around a little before spotting Nanaka who was packing her things, and after doing so, she turns around seeing me stare. I smile at her and wave as she smiles back before walking over to me and smacking the top of my head lightly.

"Listen here Mr. I won't have you sleeping more than me, especially since you're my bodyguard so I need you on high alert at all times, you hear me?" I simply nod my head as she's too breathtaking even when angry. I wish I could see her like this all the time, but sadly, we do have to start moving again, meaning that I have to focus on everything else so my attention would be elsewhere. This may be the last few days I have before I can't see her as happy as she is now.

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