Chapter Seven

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*Wayne Manor*

Wally's Pov

Me, Roy, Conner, and Jon arrived at the manor. Alfred greeted us at the door, concern etched on his face. "Master Bruce has been waiting for you all," he said, leading us to the study where Bruce has been waiting for us. As we entered the study, Bruce's intense gaze met ours. The weight of the situation hung heavy in the air, and we knew that our presence here meant that something grave was about to unfold. " So they told you, I'm guessing," Bruce says. We nodded in response, our expressions mirroring the seriousness of the moment. Bruce's voice was filled with urgency as he continued, "Gotham is facing its greatest threat yet, and they were quick to act swiftly. The fate of this city rests in their hands," Bruce tells us. "

*Back with the Bat Brothers*

Dick's Pov

I knew that we were going to need a backup plan. I see my brothers fighting the Joker and standing back up from a kick to the stomach. I run towards my brothers and push them into the batmobile. I put in the coordinates for the manor. As the batmobile drives them back to the manor, they are saying, "Dickiebird, don't do fucking this." Jason says it through the comms. " I'm sorry, Jason, Tim, and Damian." I tell them. I knew that their concern was justified, but I couldn't let them face the Joker alone. As they raced towards the manor, I couldn't help but feel a sense of responsibility weighing heavily on my shoulders. I had to come up with a plan to ensure their safety and our victory against the Joker. " Just you and me, Joker," I say to the Joker. I knew that facing the Joker alone was a dangerous task, but I couldn't let my brothers face him without a backup plan. With determination in my voice, I continue, "This ends now. It's time to put an end to your reign of terror once and for all."

*With Jason and the others*

Jason's Pov

Dick shoved me and our brothers into the batmobile. He put in the coordinates for the manor. As the batmobile drives us back to the manor, we are saying, "Dickiebird, don't do fucking this." I say it through the comms. " I'm sorry, Jason, Tim, and Damian." He tells us. We just arrived back at the manor, and we got out of the batmobile. As we stepped out, the familiar sight of Wayne Manor loomed before us, a symbol of both comfort and duty. I'm swearing out of my fucking mind. As we stood outside Wayne Manor, the weight of our responsibilities settled heavily upon us. The familiar grandeur of the manor offered a sense of security, but my frustration and anger continued to consume me. Alfred opened the door, and we entered the manor. Me, Tim, and Damian are running to Bruce's study. As we hurried through the halls of Wayne Manor, the echoes of our footsteps seemed to amplify my racing thoughts. The urgency in our steps matched the gravity of the situation at hand. Finally reaching Bruce's study, we knew that Bruce was here with Wally, Roy, Conner, and Jon. We barged into the study and ran to Bruce. We hugged him, then he asked, " Where is your brother?" As we caught our breath, I glanced at Tim and Damian, exchanging worried glances. Bruce's question hung in the air, causing a knot of anxiety to tighten in my stomach. With a heavy sigh, I mustered the courage to respond, " He shoved us in the batmobile and had it take us back here. He said he was sorry, Bruce." I started crying along with Tim and Damian. " I can go grab him fast." Wally says. " No, Dick knew what he was doing when he shoved us in the batmobile. But Conner, we need you to use your superhearing, and if he calls for help, then Wally can go grab him." Tim says it with a serious tone of voice.

*With Dick*

Dick's Pov

I felt a pang of guilt as I watched the tears streaming down their faces. I had acted impulsively, driven by my need to protect them. But now, seeing the fear and sadness in their eyes, I realize the gravity of my actions. I had put them in danger, and it was up to me to make things right. I just kicked the Joker in the stomach. As I looked down at the Joker writhing in pain, I couldn't help but feel a surge of satisfaction. However, my triumph was short-lived as I remembered the consequences of my impulsive actions. The Joker's henchmen were still lurking nearby, and now they were even more determined to seek revenge. I knew I had to act quickly so I could go home. " Did you really think you could defeat me without your brothers?" Joker says. I could see the smugness in his eyes as he taunted me. Without missing a beat, I replied, "I don't need anyone else to finish what I started." With determination fueling my every move, I prepared myself for the impending battle, ready to face whatever came my way. I am sorry, my brothers, I say in my head. I knew that my decision to face the Joker alone was risky, but I couldn't let fear hold me back. As I took a deep breath, I reminded myself of the importance of justice and the safety of my loved ones. With a final thought of them, I stepped forward, ready to confront the Joker and put an end to his reign of terror once and for all.

*After the battle with the Joker*

Wally's Pov

We are waiting to see if Conner hears Dick with his superhearing. Five minutes later, we hear a faint voice crackling through the communicator. It's Dick, and he sounds exhausted but triumphant. He informs us that the Joker has been apprehended and that Gotham is finally safe again. We all let out a collective sigh of relief, knowing that our friend had succeeded in his mission and that justice had prevailed. "Wally, go grab my brother, please." Tim asks. I nod and quickly make my way towards the exit, eager to reunite Tim with his brother. As I approach the entrance, I catch a glimpse of Dick's worn-out figure leaning against the wall. Despite his exhaustion, a victorious smile spreads across his face as he sees me approaching. " Hey Wally, how's going?" He asks. "Really, that's the first thing you asked me." I say it with a frown on my face. "Okay, how are my brothers?" Dick asks without concern for his own well-being. "They're worried sick about you," I reply, my voice filled with both relief and frustration. "But they'll be overjoyed to see you safe and sound." 

Dick's Pov

I use my comm and say, I am exhausted but triumphant. I inform them that the Joker has been apprehended and that Gotham is finally safe again. They all let out a collective sigh of relief, knowing that I had succeeded in my mission and that justice had prevailed. My worn-out body is against the wall. Despite my exhaustion, a victorious smile spreads across my face as I see Wally approaching. A few minutes later , Wally reaches me. " Hey Wally, how's going?" I asks. "Really, that's the first thing you asked me," He said with a frown on his face. "Okay, how are my brothers?" I ask without concern for my own well-being. "They're worried sick about you," He replied, his voice filled with both relief and frustration. "But they'll be overjoyed to see you safe and sound." I grab his wrist and pull him down, then I kiss him. As our lips meet, a rush of emotions floods over me. I can feel the weight of our separation melting away in that single moment. Wally's eyes widen in surprise, but soon a smile replaces his frown as he returns the kiss with equal passion. Wally breaks the kiss and then slaps me in the back of my head. "What was that for?" I asked, rubbing the spot where he hit me. Wally chuckles and says, "For making me worry so much, you idiot. But I'm glad you're finally here." Wally gets off me, picks me up, and runs us back to the manor.

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