Rivers and Streams

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The other campers have followed the trail for a while now.

Mickey Mouse: Man how much fucking longer are we gonna be here! We've been in these seats for three days!

Wii U: I think we're arriving...... Now!!

*That's when they end up seeing more of the trail through the woods.*

Popcorn: You don't think they went down there do you?

Microphone: This definitely looks like a place where the kidnappers go!

2: I will zap you every time you keep mentioning kidnapping or death!

Wii U: Welp. Looks like we're going down there.

UFO: Are you sure it's a good idea? This does look like a bad place to be in.

Blue Planet: For someone to die!

Microphone: Or kidnapped!

*And 2 zaps them.*

Microphone and Blue Planet: OW!

2: Told you.

Wii U: Come on! The others are down there!

2: Well I'm not holding back! Come on!!

*Then they go down. But a truck ran over the bike and the wagons.*

Square Bracket:.... Should we worry about that?

Wii U:...... Eh. We'll find another way back. Come on!

*Then they explore more into the woods. Then we go to the others who are sleeping inside the cave. Computer was right next to MePhone. And his hair was touching him.*

MePhone4: Haha Wyatt that tickles!

*Then MePhone hugs Computer thinking he's Wyatt.*

Computer: Hehe. Come here cutie!

*And Computer kisses MePhone which caused him to wake up.*

MePhone4: AAAA!!

Computer: AAAAAA!

*Then Computer falls on top of the others.*

Everyone: AAAAAA!!........ Computer!!!

Computer: Sorry!

MePhone4: Ok now that all of us have woken up, how about we start our day by walking through the woods and finding something to hunt to make it our dinner!! Come on Wyatt!

*Wyatt comes and MePhone hops on top of him.*

MePhone4: Let's Go!!

*Then they get out of the cave.*

Gold Ingot: Ugh how much longer are we going to be here.

Controlly: Hopefully soon. I don't want to be here either.

Crayon Box: Controlly! You're ok!!

Controlly: OH CB..... What do you mean I'm ok?

Crayon Box: You ate so many berries that it caused you to be delusional! And you had rashes on your face.

Controlly: I Did!..... That would explain why my face felt like it was burning.

Crayon Box: Wait.... So you don't remember being delusional?

Controlly: No?

Crayon Box: So that means you don't remember what you said.

Controlly: What!!? What did I say!?

Crayon Box:..... Oh nothing. Nothing at all. You know me. I like to mess with people. :(

Gamey: Controlly come on. Let's go!

Host Camping Daze The Movie: Lost In The WoodsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora