Mona Lisa (When The World Comes Down) (1.18 - Part 1)

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As Roxy raced down the hallways of Rocque Records with her best friends, she didn't even try to contain the massive grin spreading across her face.

Today was the day.

The day that showed the culmination of their time and hard work in Los Angeles. The day that finally proved to any haters or nay-sayers or evil record producers that Big Time Rush had clawed their way to the top of Rocque Records and had no intention of ever letting go. The day the band got to hold their first album in their hands; proof that they were making their own special place in Hollywood history.

They were a force to be reckoned with this summer, not only were they slated to sweep the Billboard charts with their debut album, they'd rock the entire United States on their first-ever headlining tour - a surprise for the boys Kelly, Gustavo, and Roxy had been trying to keep secret for the past few weeks.

  By the time Big Time Rush and their assistant made it to the producer's office, they had unabashedly thrown open the large wooden door, only coming to a complete stop once they stood in front of their bosses.

For some reason, Kelly and Gustavo looked confused to see them.

"Well?" The teens chorused, holding out their hands out expectantly, wiggling their fingers for good measure.

The adults shared a knowing glance, both reaching underneath the producer's desk to pull out a large brown box packed to the brim with physical versions of their first album. Gently placing it on the tabletop, the pair were practically radiating with pride, even if they didn't share it in words.

Pulling a fresh one right off the top, Gustavo showed off the cover, "Schpingo!"

Immediately the boys descended upon the copy, letting out excited screams as they pointed out all the little details they hadn't noticed through the draft stages of design. The cover boasted the band, all perfectly cute and smiley, standing together against an off-white background layered over a picture of Hollywood Boulevard. The band's logo was proudly displayed in the upper-right-hand corner and had a bit of a torn effect above their heads that continued throughout the lyric booklet on the inside cover of the jewel case.

While the band was busy fighting over the one copy, Roxy gently leaned over the table and reached into the box, picking out one for herself. Then, after digging around in her backpack for a red marker, she found one at the bottom of her bag and opened up the CD cover, slipping the lyric booklet out and handing it off to her friends.

Eyebrows cocked, heads turned, it seemed the boys were unable to understand what she was asking them by handing them the paper and a pen.

"Sign it!" She demanded, waving her hands around in excitement. "I want to be the first person in the world to have a signed copy of Big Time Rush's first album."

With a smile, each of the boys passed it around, happy to sign their first album for the first time for their biggest fan.

Red marker standing out nicely against the black background, Roxy watched as her friends slowly passed it around. Once or twice, she had caught them in class doodling out their rockstar signatures atop their notes and homework, but this was the first time she was seeing the styles they had decided on.

First up, Carlos gently, yet sloppily wrote his name out in cursive,  and though he had no trouble connecting the letters, he did seem to be struggling once his name was complete. Flipping the pen back and forth a few times in silence, his eyes lit up after a moment before adding in an adorable little smiley face by the "S."

Once his friend was finished, Kendall practically tore the small book out of his hands before taking the marker in one fell swoop. Channeling his inner John Hancock, he too wrote his name in cursive, about two times bigger than the other boy's signature.

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