One Unlucky Night.

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As I reached for the spray paint can, the distant wail of police sirens pierced the stillness of the night. Startled, my hand froze mid-stroke, but the nozzle continued to hiss and spit paint onto the elegant floral wallpaper, a stark contrast to the chaos I was causing. The paint pooled and trickled down the intricate pattern with every passing second, a vivid reminder of the beauty I was destroying.

She had meticulously selected those fabrics, pouring over countless swatches and scrutinizing every detail until she found the perfect match. And yet, there I stood, defacing her carefully curated masterpieces. It was as if she was trying to erase me from existence, consigning me to the shadows where no one would see or hear me. But I refused to be silenced and instead chose to leave my mark on her world, no matter the cost.

As I stood back and examined my unfinished work, the blaring sound of sirens grew increasingly louder. For a moment, I was lost in my own little world, but the urgency of the situation quickly snapped me back to reality. I dropped the paint cans and frantically searched for Skylyn, calling out her name with no response. Panic set in as I realized she had vanished, leaving me with no explanation. Hastily glancing at my handiwork, I bolted out the back door to let the place air out - after all, we weren't savage vandals. I caught a glimpse of Sky's flowing blonde hair as she raced around the corner of the alley, and without hesitation, I took off after her. My heart racing, I called out for her to slow down, but my voice boomed in the quiet of the night, making me feel increasingly paranoid and exposed.

The words "Survival of the fittest!" echoed through the dimly lit alley as we turned into another backstreet. Just like in true Skylyn nature, she smiled as we ran. In her world, consequences weren't real.

The sound of approaching cars was getting louder, and I felt my heart racing faster with each passing second. My adrenaline was pumping, and I was determined to escape the approaching officers.

We sprinted down the narrow alley, but I could sense our luck running out. We had managed to evade the police twice, but it seemed like our time was up.

My mind raced as I searched for a way out. I turn to see Skylynn climbing up a fire escape, and I quickly followed. But as I reached for the ladder, it broke off in my hand, leaving me trapped in the alley below. "You're on your own." she shrugged. I looked up in horror as Skylyn disappeared over the rooftop, leaving me behind.

I tried to find another way out, but the police were closing in fast. I could hear them shouting orders and calling for backup. I knew I had to act quickly if I wanted to get out of this.

I looked back and saw the flashing lights of the police cars, getting closer and closer. I knew I had to find a way out of this mess, but my mind was blank. All I could think of was Skylyn, who had left me behind.

I had no idea what to do next, but I knew I had to keep running.

I was running as fast as I could, my heart pounding in my chest. The sound of my feet hitting the pavement echoed through the narrow alleyway as I tried to escape from the police who were hot on my tail.

Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain in my shoulder and stumbled forward, crashing into a parked car. I quickly regained my footing and looked up to see a guy sitting in the driver's seat, smoking a cigarette. The corners of his mouth raised a little and he tilted his head in curiosity. Completely unbothered. Our eyes locked for a moment, and then I continued running.

My adrenaline was wearing off and my legs felt like lead. Just as I thought it was the end of the road for me, I saw a familiar face in the distance. Skylyn had left me behind, but she was my only hope. I sprinted towards her, but she disappeared around the corner before I could catch up.

My heart sank as I turned the same corner, only to find myself at a dead end with the police closing in. I had nowhere to go. But just as the cops were about to capture me, I heard a car pull up behind me. It was the guy from before.

"Get in!" he yelled, and I didn't hesitate. I jumped into the passenger seat, and we peeled out of there just in time. As we drove away from the scene, I couldn't help but wonder who this guy was and why he had helped me.

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