Your Broken Wings Pt.1

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Your wings broken and tied with the fact that the light from your eyes has faded
Your spark has traveled to another land

Your future.

and your still screaming that you don't want to leave because this is your home but you need to go!

you try to cut your wings free and fly away but im the only reason you stay

The only reason you fight yourself from cutting your wings free is me. And thats how it will always be. How frustrating it must be
To live a life of suffering and pain just to see pitiful old me

Standing at the edge of your future ready to give you your light and send you on your way

Your broken down and cold your wings are torn from the edge of your knife missing the rope holding you back

i stand watching you do something we'll both regret while you slowly cut off each bit of rope

I grab your hands and pull you with me but you are too strong, Too strong! i scream and cry you cannot hear me

I pull you most way to your future with only one challenge left and the devil takes your hands and leads you backwards while giving you everything you would ever want like i once did

When you realize your back in the place you used to be you cut off the rest of the rope and run to me but I've moved on and realized the way you treated me

but oh those eyes

Those eyes their as blue as the sky as beautiful as the ocean waves i cant resist but i must remember why

Why? Why did you treat me like that?

You knew i didn't deserve it and still walked all over me as if i was a floor matt

I tell you the devil can take you now but you cry at my knees and soon theres a crowd

All around calling me bad names so i pick you up and carry you on my shoulders to your future

every step of the way hurts

dripping to the floor is the blood pouring out my torso as i fall to the ground and cry in pain to see the one i trusted for half my life more or so

Has stabbed me in the back.

I crawl away from you as your shadow casts upon me the way you stared at me haunts me

You took a step closer and i saw a blinding light as the ropes tie around your wings once again and pull you back

Finally i felt safe at last

Your broken wings

Always will be in my memory

Your broken wings

Were almost the death of me.

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