maple mocha boy

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   After a long and tiring day of volunteering at her high school's library, y/n was working at her local cafe when a new costumer she'd never met before swiftly came in. His presence suddenly made the atmosphere feel more tranquil. He looked absolutely gorgeous, with fluffy platinum hair along with a scarlet red streak by the side. He had a comforting scent. Maple sugar and earth like.

I didn't realize that I was staring at him for about a minute until I snapped out of my trance.  

"W-welcome! what would u like to order?" I asked, not noticing myself staring into his attractive eyes, red with a yellow hue.

"Greetings! One maple sugar mocha please," he hummed. His voice was really soft and serene. I could probably listen to it forever.

I snapped out of my thoughts again and concentrated on this rare request.

One maple sugar mocha? All my time as a barista here, this certain order was rarely given to me. What was the recipe again...

the boy quickly remarked the barista's confusion, so he specified his order.

"Ah, it's a mocha with maple sugar and one pump of maple syrup!", the platinum haired boy smiled gently.

Ohh so that's it.

"Oh thank you! That will be a total of 3.95 along with tax please!"

He handed her the money and walked over to the two carefully painted, white bookshelves, noticing many poetry books while waiting. But before he could grab one he was called for his maple mocha.

"Here you go sir and have a nice day!"

"Thank you, you too!", he replied with a gentle smile.

He was going towards the door when a question popped into mind so he stopped.

"Miss, if you don't mind me asking, I have observed that the bookshelves are filled with many delightful poems, why are they here?", the platinum haired boy asked quietly.

Y/n was surprised by such a random question, as she wouldn't have expected that someone would ask her this.

"Ah, my boss, miss shinobu asked me for some decoration ideas and I came up with bookshelves of poems. They pique my interest, actually"

"Oh, is that so? im quite fond of them too!", he replied with a soft, bright smile."

He quickly dug through his book bag and took out a draft of a fairly short poem he had written the other day.

he handed it to her. "take this poem as a thanks for answering my question!" he said warmly to her.

And before y/n could reply with a thanks or ask for his name he was already out of the cafe.

Of course, y/n's close and outgoing friend, yoimiya, had been observing them from far away. she ran up to y/n, grinning sheepishly.

"Oooh looks like someone has a crush on a certain someonee" yoimiya teased.

"oh shut up will you!" you said, though you haven't noticed the light tint of pink on your cheeks.

"c'mon, let's go!", she says as you took of your beige colored apron.


The both of you had been chatting along your walk back to your apartment. You couldn't help but smile and think about the maple mocha boy the whole time.

-The Maple Mocha Boy-         ||kazuha x reader fanfic|| modern auWhere stories live. Discover now