Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

"How did it happen?" I asked Littlepaw for what seemed like the thousandth time.

Five entire days had passed since Wolfwhisper had revealed that Bubble was my littermate, and Littlepaw and Ripplepaw had arrived to the clan after a treacherous escape from ShoreClan and Dewstar's tyranny.

The two of us were nestled in Puddle and Bubble's den, which the two toms seemed more than happy to have extended. I got the feeling that Bubble was trying to work out his complicated feelings towards his mother, but Puddle also seemed to spend long nights awake, staring listlessly up at the moon.

"Things were getting bad," Littlepaw meowed simply, watching the sun begin to set.

An instinctive shiver seemed to run through her body as the dying light emitted long shadows. I rested my tail along her flank, trying to offer some support, but not entirely sure what I could say. Everytime I thought about Dewstar, my throat seemed to close over.

I resolved to watch as Minnow heartily tried to engage Bubble in sharing a vole with him. Puddle was watching them from several tail lengths away, an unreadable expression on his face. In the distance, I could see the makeshift den that Spike had set up to care for Ripplepaw. My mother never seemed to leave it, watching my littermate like a hawk. I myself felt sick whenever I walked near the den.

"Dewstar had the other clans at her mercy. They all came to camp, and had to bow and pledge their allegiance to her," Littlepaw meowed weakly, watching as the sun finally disappeared below the skyline, and darkness began to shroud the clearing. "There was so much violence and fear..."

"I don't understand how she can be such a foxheart," I growled. "But, who was the one to injure Ripplepaw?"

Littlepaw winced. "Dewstar had her pinned, while Honeypaw was clawing at her."

Angrily, I dug my claws into the sand, wishing that it was Dewstar's throat. Trying to shake off the waves of fury that threatened to engulf me, I got to my paws. Straightening, I glanced over at Littlepaw.

"I'm going to talk to some of these cats my mother knows," I meowed gruffly. "And see Ripplepaw." As Littlepaw got to her paws, I hastily added. "You should stay here and rest." I flicked my tail at Bubble who was padding over. "He could use some company."

Nodding to Bubble as he passed me, I was aware of how tense my friend was. I glanced at him uneasily.

"Are you okay?"

Bubble almost seemed to jump out of his pelt as I spoke to him. "There's just...a lot going on," he meowed vaguely, trying to make his fur fall flat again,. "Complications."

I nodded once more, padding towards Minnow, who was talking to a pale grey tom and a black and ginger she-cat. Minnow was waving her paws vivaciously in the air to the cats. The black and ginger she-cat had a frustrated expression on her face.

"Hello," I said curtly as I padded up to them. Alright, Ferretpaw. Now all you have to do is ask if these cats want to risk their lives because some cat with a weird name brought a hoard of rocks together. No biggie.

"How's it going?" I asked in an awkward tone.

"Meh. I'm old and tired," the black and ginger she-cat said, staring at me with narrowed eyes. "Whatta ya want?"

"Let's be civil, Coriander!" The pale grey tom chuffed.

They don't realise how bad everything is, I thought, staring up at the ominous storm clouds overhead. I need to tell them, need them to understand, but how?

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