It won't go away

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Harry and Louis have just made it home from the grocery store. Harry is excited to have more fresh fruit for the week. His favorite fruit at the moment is mango. He and Louis have been making smoothies to drink in the morning. Mainly Louis because it's hard to keep up with a baby.

As of right now, Harry is coloring at the table and Louis is putting all of the food and Drinks away. Harry is coloring a pretty picture to replace the old one on the fridge.

Once Louis is done putting everything away he decides to read while Harry is distracted by his coloring. He gets about half way through his book when he hears that smacking. The smacking comes from a very specific person. A person who is now making his way over to Louis.

"Hi Hazzie. How is your coloring coming along?" Louis sets his book down on the sofa cushion next to him.

Harry climbs into Louis lap, attempting to lift up his shirt. "Well what do you think you are doing?"

"Boobie." Harry yet tries again to lift up the shirt with no success.

"How about you have a bottle instead? You had boobie earlier." Louis holds his shirt down where Harry tires to lift it.

"No boobie." Harry grumbles angrily when he can't lift up the barrier between him and his boobie.

Louis takes a chance at giving Harry a bottle. He stands up with Harry on his hip. Who is now intentionally staring at his chest. He licks his lips, trying to remember how good the milk taste.

"Will it be okay if I give you a bottle that has boobie milk in it?" Louis quickly grabs a bottle from the cabinet and a bag of milk to defrost.

"No boobie." Harry stares at the milk bag. He watches as his daddy pours the milk into the bottle. It doesn't taste the same when it doesn't come from boobie.

Louis goes back to the couch, sitting Harry on his lap. He positions Harry to where his is cradling him. "Here have some milk. I promise you it's the same milk. Just in a bottle."

Harry ignores the bottle, turning to the breast. Just when he is about to latch through the shirt his daddy places the false nipple into his mouth. He sucks for a second them stops. Harry pulls say from the nipple giving Louis a disgusted face.

"What is that face for? It's the same damn thing." Louis gives in to Harry lifting his shirt to have Harry latch bit even a second after.

"You know that you enjoy this way too much. If you were to live with one thing it would be my milk." Louis says to the boy who isn't even listening to him. He is too busy trying to get all the milk.

After about ten minutes Harry is still sucking milk from Louis. Louis looks down to see that Harry is sucking rather harshly. It takes a second for it to click in his head. "Harry there is a endless supply of milk there is no end."

Harry narrows his eyes at Louis. Why would he tell him that? He doesn't know. He just wants to live with him a boobie. Why does his daddy have to be there?

Harry is forced to stop nursing due to the fact that Louis has to pee. Harry immediately screams and cries when his is taken away from his "boobie". Louis quickly plops a pacifier into his mouth to hopefully stop the nonsense of crying.

Louis tries to make his bathroom trip quick and easy, but why would that happen? Harry walks into the bathroom with his bottle in hand. "Oh so now you want the bottle? I see how it is." Louis flushes the toilet and washes his hands. Of course Harry has to also wash his hands.
It is getting close to Harry's last nap of the day before bed. He is currently watching Barney, while having a simple snack of cut up bananas. Louis notes that Harry keeps rubbing his eyes. Showing signs of sleepiness.

He lets Harry finish his snack before turning off the tv and cleaning him up with baby wipes. Ignoring the baby's sounds of annoyance, Louis picks up harry going upstairs to the nursery.

Inside the nursery Harry is changed into a clean diaper. Harry smiles sleepily at Louis who is trying to have Harry nurse to sleep. Even though Harry nursed not too long ago he is eager to have some milk. Louis eventually has to swap his nipple for a pacifier because Harry is asleep using his nipple as a substitute for the pacifier. The only difference is that his nipple releases milk when sucked and the pacifier doesn't. That being said Harry is now asleep inside the crib.

Louis walks out the room, downstairs to clean up any mess that Harry has left behind and also to tackle the mountain of dishes. While he cleans he puts on some music, it's quiet enough so it won't wake the baby.

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