Chapter Three

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Hao wakes up super hungry and with a banging headache, he skipped supper again last night, he couldn’t eat after what he discovered. He quickly takes a shower so he can grab something to eat before their the signal song recording.

There are too many of them to fit in the studio so they go in groups. He and Hanbin have to sing the bridge and recite some cheesy lines for the intro as the centers. Guess he can’t avoid Hanbin no matter how much he tries. The lines they had to record for the intro were like a declaration of love between lovers that Hao’s ears felt so hot, he knew the blush was evident on his face. Hanbin was not any better that the producers had to point out, “it is about friendship.” Right!

The producers instruct them to step in the booth together, causing them to close the distance they had created between them. They have been standing on opposite ends of the room and took different busses to get to the studio, even though they could take any bus regardless of groups or number of stars. They awkwardly walk in the studio while others watch through the glass. They stand so far apart that the producer had to tell them to step closer to the mic. The studio was big enough it could fit a couple of more people, but it suddenly felt so small with not enough oxygen. They awkwardly made it through their lines without making eye contact, not even once.

After recording, they went straight to practicing the formation and timing on the 4 tier stage for the music video. The bridge dance requires them him and Hanbin to stare into each other’s eyes – Why does the universe hate him so much??? – he thinks to himself. They fail at making eye contact. Worst thing is that Hao is facing the camera, Hanbin isn’t, so he got the scolding from the producers instead. That went painfully by with the producers’ last words being “You two need to practice that eye contact or else we won’t be able to complete this M/V.” With the star masters reiterating how crucial it is that they make eye contact. Just when Hao thought things couldn’t get any worse, they were told that him and Hanbin have to film some scenes to go along with the cheesy lines at an off-site location the next day.

They make arrangements to practice that evening, Hanbin being the first to approach him when they arrive at planet camp. “Zhang Hao-ssi? Zhang Hao-ssi?” Somone calls from behind him in the corridors of planet camp. Hao halts and turns around to find Hanbin jogging towards him and Kuanjui, however he fails to put words together to respond. Hanbin bows to Kuanjui and mumbles a “Hi”, then faces Hao. “Could we practice after supper? If you don’t mind, we won’t have time tomorrow since we have the shoot off-site early in the morning.” “Yes, that’s ok. Will you let me know the practice room number later then?” “Sure.” He gives a little bow before turning around and heading back to K-group dorm.

Hao takes a shower before heading to the cafeteria to have supper. It’s still packed when he gets there, they have stopped having supper in separate groups because others end up eating very late. He finds Kuanjui, Jinxin and his fellow G-group Yuehuaz. He takes the seat that faces where Hanbin is sitting so he can catch him when he leaves to ask which room they’ll be practicing in. Hanbin also looks over at him, looks like they have the same plan in mind because when Hanbin is done eating, he looks at Hao and tilts his plate to show that he’s done. Hao nods in response even though he still had a bit left to finish.

It's a bit comical how Hao just follows Hanbin a few steps behind as they make their way to find a practice room, he picks the first one he finds unoccupied. Hanbin walks in looks around then walks out without saying a word. Hao waits in the practice room for a while until he decides to find where he’d gone to, only to find him walking back with a staff member in tow behind him. He’s confused yet again and retreats back into the room, the staff member goes straight for the camera, removes it and takes it with him. Hao waits until the staff leaves then casually asks Hanbin, “Oh, how did you convince them to remove that?” “I just asked if they could remove it and they did.” Hanbin says with a shrug.

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