7. so father so daughter

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"No, but he's like goddamned funny, and cute, and hot." Maya giggled as she stuffed a piece of chocolate in her mouth. She was sitting on her bed in her own bedroom with a box of chocolate by her side.

Lisa arched a brow. She was laying on Maya's bed, feet in the air on her stomach as she faced her best friend. "He's blond." She muttered.

This is a vision, I realise. A look into Maya's life, flashing across my eyelids.

"Marc Notion." Maya sighed dramatically as she threw the golden wrapper of the chocolate on the floor. Soft rock music was playing from the stereo. "Doesn't Maya Notion sound so.... Gorgeous?"

Lisa laughed. "Sounds like a strippers name."

Maya gasped but couldn't help but snort. "Okay, fine, maybe it does." She rolled her eyes with a smirk as she grabbed yet another piece of chocolate.

Lisa leaned her head on the bed sheets and looked at Maya. "You know, I can see you two together." She chuckled with honesty. Whenever Lisa showed any sign of love, pity or mercy, she always ment it. She thought that people who lied about that stuff were assholes.

Maya stared down at her best friend, love written all over her face. "But Leeh, be honest with me, do you like him?" She asked, putting a strand of curly brown hair behind her ear as she looked down at Lisa.

"Who? Marc Notion? Fuck no, you can have him." Lisa snorted as she pinched her best friend in the knee.

"If you say so." Maya chuckled and lay down next to Lisa. "You don't want to know the things I would say to him."

It changes, the whole vision changes, and suddenly, I see a park.

There's a group of four teenagers seated on a bench. A blond boy who was circled with only girls. If you lived near that park, it wasn't difficult to learn that that boy was Marc Notion, smoking a cigarette. He was always surrounded by girls who seemed to adore him. The faint freckles on his cheekbones were the only thing that didn't give Marc the badass look he craved.

Next, there was a small girl with brown curly hair and a tanned skin. She had big brown eyes and a sweet and genuine smile. Maya Sevilla. She waw seated next to him, and it seemed that she was the one that Marc took most of his interest in, even though she was much busier with her best friend.

Her best friend was Lisa Miller. Blond long and straight hair until her waist, grey eyes, slim face. She was very pretty, especially when her eyes were exposed to the sun. She was quietly listening to what Maya was talking about.

On the left, there was a different girl I've never seen before. The girl had dark curly brown hair, green eyes, an oval shaped face with a light tanned skin. She was beautiful, with her strong jawline and beautiful long lashes.

".... I told him: ya really want that dollar? Well, come and get it. Then I threw the bill off of the bridge, and the man got even more pissed." Maya finished her story with a chuckle.

Lisa threw her head back with laughter as Marc just shook his head with a grin.

The other girl didn't laugh.

"Darling, you want a smoke?" Marc offered Maya his pack of cigarettes as smoke escaped his mouth.

Maya declined it. "No, I heard that it's bad for your lungs."

Marc arched a perfect golden eyebrow and looked her into eyes. "Probably bullshit." He chuckled as he gave Maya a nudge. Then he turned to his left. "Naomi, you want a smoke?"

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