Lust pair // A Child?

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"A ninth servamp!?" Mahiru yells out, shocked. Yoru simply looks at him with a cold and dark look plastered on her face, tsubaki lets out a crazed grin and laughs "Aha! So, how is it big brother? Did we surprise you?" It was true, the two new servamps shocked kuro. A lot. Who'd known he would make another servamp? And two at that.

Yoru looked at the two with narrowed eyes, before turning her attention back to tsubaki. Mahiru's hands form into a fist "Yoru, Tsubaki. Are you guys killing people?" He asks, tsubaki lifts his head to look at mahiru before responding "So what if we are? I don't like humans. Didn't you take down this vampire because you didn't like him, too? Isn't it fair?" Tsubaki says as he lightly swings the doll in his hand.

Yoru turns her head to look at mahiru, she then voices out, looking directly into his eyes "Say, do you know how many people died in this town yesterday?" She pauses before continuing "Then, it shouldn't matter to you how many of those were murdered by us"

Mahiru bit his lip before yelling out angrily "What are you trying to do!? Don't try to bring innocent people into this!" Mahiru yells out, tsubaki and yoru looks at him with a dark look in their eyes, yoru then says "Innocent people? You never know what they do, what if they were... An abuser? You wouldn't forgive them so easily now would you? Not everyone is innocent"

As yoru voices it out, her tone was piercing and bitter, tsubaki continues beside her "And plus... It's not interesting that some think they aren't involved in this" Tsubaki pauses, and continues "Especially..." He runs up to the two and lifts his leg before kicking kuro down, his geta (A/n: I literally had to search up japanese sandals for the name) practically piercing kuro's chest.

Flowers come falling out of tsubaki's sleeve as a katana forms "Well, big brother... Let's play!" He grabs the katana and pulls it out of his sleeve with a crazed look on his face, on the other hand yoru look at him, disgusted. She took a step back, holding belkia's doll form in her hand. "You all have forgotten. No, you all want to forget. I want to have a great parade!"

"Call all seven siblings here for me, teacher will be happier with more attendees and all I want is for this world to regret it all!" Tsubaki lifts his katana and aims it at mahiru, but was quickly blocked by one of kuro's coat tails kuro kicked him away before standing back up, mahiru panicked quickly asked kuro to drink his blood "Kuro! Drink my blood!"

He, though, refused the offer "Don't want to! I'm really sore today." Was all he complained about, he was met by an arrow that hit his shirt, making him fall down. Yoru loomed over him and aimed another arrow to pin him down to the ground, she sighed furiously "You're lucky I'm not as crazy as tsubaki. I wouldn't want the fun to end so soon..." She practically mumbled out those last words before turning around and aiming an arrow at kuro.

Kuro struggled fighting against the two, with yoru sending arrows his way and tsubaki attacking him from the front. All of this was really troublesome! Kuro was kicked down to the ground and was once again hit in the chest by tsubaki's geta. He coughed up blood and mahiru had to helplessly watch. "Kuro!" He quickly removed the arrow and ran up to kuro but was blocked by tsubaki's katana that was shoved into his face.

"I don't get it. A war? Why!?" Tsubaki kicks kuro away further, mahiru cries out for kuro "Kuro!" In one swift move, tsubaki quickly moved to lift mahiru up. From the edge of his eye he could see yoru pinning kuro down to the ground. "Because it's interesting. It doesn't matter who dies. Nothing matters as long as it's interesting to me."

Mahiru looked into tsubaki's crazed eyes and he could see the smallest ounce of something familiar in those deep crimson eyes - melancholy. "You don't understand how I feel. No one knows about me anyways. No one in this world can understand me anyways." Mahiru couldn't help but wince as the grip got tighter, he couldn't help himself from letting memories flood into his head. His mom's funeral, the car accident. He felt a similar sense of familiarity in those eyes, the same feeling he's experienced once.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2023 ⏰

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