Chapter 8: Worthless

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"...Gwen?" Max said softly, walking back to his hospital room. Gwen broke from her silence and sat up quickly. "Hey, Max." She greeted. "What are you doing in my hospital bed?" Max asked. "I uhhhh. Got tired while I was waiting for you and just... Dozed off." Gwen replied, trying to come up with an excuse. "I called David to tell him what happened by the way..." She said as Max climbed onto the bed the best he could. "I can only imagine his reaction." Max smirked. "Yeah he was...Pretty panicked." Gwen replied, looking down at the floor. Max could tell something was off, so he looked at her worryingly. "Are you....Ok?" He asked. Gwen wanted to answer, but she just couldn't. The two sat in silence, with the company of machines beeping in the background. "Max?" Gwen said, breaking the silence. "Yeah?" Max replied. "If you were David, would you trust me to look after the campers?" Gwen asked. "Well, you're certainly more tolerable than David... So yes." Max answered. "Thanks, kid." Gwen said, laying down on her side. "I just wish David would see it that way..." She muttered, hoping Max wouldn't hear. But he did. 

"What do you mean?" Max asked. "He's losing his shit because of your injury." Gwen scoffed. "He keeps saying how he trusts me, but I know he doesn't." She felt the palms of her hands sweating a bit. Max didn't really know how to respond other than express his distaste for the overly positive camp counselor. But after thinking for a bit, he realized just how much Gwen had been trying to help him these last few hours. "If David thinks he can't trust you, he's a fucking jerk." Max said. "No, he's right." Gwen replied. "I'm practically worthless beyond just being 'the counselor with too many degrees.'" She pulled her legs to her chest and held them in place with her arms. Max felt strangely saddened that Gwen felt this way about herself over his injury. It made him break when he heard "I'm a failure..." muffled as Gwen bowed her head down. "That's it." Max growled. "Where's your phone?" He asked. Gwen simply pointed to the ground where she had thrown it. Max got up off the bed and snatched the phone with his free arm. "Can you pull up David's number for me?" He handed Gwen the phone. "Max, I'm not sure I'm supposed to-" She was cut off "No, Gwen. You and I may not be on the same page, but I'll be damned if he makes you feel like a failure. Now give me the goddamn phone number!" The child ordered. Gwen was reluctant at first, but she knew Max was putting up a good fight. She dialed David's number and handed the phone to Max, where he put it on speakerphone. It rang and rang as tension built up. Max could feel his blood boiling while Gwen sat there awkwardly. 

"Gwen?" David said on the other line, unaware he was on speakerphone. "Well hello to you to, Jackass." Max greeted in his sarcastic, unpleasant tone. "Oh hey, Max! How's your arm?" David replied. "Still waiting for the results on the X-rays, but that's not why I'm calling." Max explained. Gwen sat on the bed, shaking as she watched the 10 year old rip her co worker a new one. She was mostly terrified, but thankful that Max stood up for her even if she didn't want or ask him to. "I never meant to make Gwen feel that way, Max. I'm sorry..." David admitted. "Well, you did." Max retorted. "And don't fucking apologize to ME, apologize to Gwen!" He said before handing Gwen the phone. "H-Hey, David." Gwen said with her voice shaking. "Hey, Gwen..." David responded. "Listen, I'm sorry if I made you feel like a failure. That wasn't my intention at all." David explained. "From what Max told me over the phone, it sounds like you really were doing a good job managing the kids." Gwen held back laughter "Yeah, even if Nikki climbed all the way to the top of that peak." She and David laughed over that. "I appreciate the apology, David." Gwen admitted before noticing the doctor returning. She told David she'd call him later and the two hung up. 

"See? that wasn't so bad." Max admitted. "I suppose so, you little shit." Gwen replied. It was then that they would finally hear the results. 

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