4-99 Problems... And Mom Is One of Them

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When Morgan left the St. Joan retirement home at 6:30 pm he was passed by Dan's black Range Rover at the junction between the road and the driveway, the car pulled over and Morgan recognized it, he ran to the passenger window to see Karen smiling at him with her green eyes and pink lipstick, she was wearing a pink dress and a blue denim jacket, her tan skin was glowing and her brown hair with blonde highlights was very long and cut in tidy layers and she had bangs that covered her forehead, she looked like a Hispanic Barbie doll while Dan looked like Ken with his ocean blue eyes and pushed back ash blonde hair, he was wearing a white polo shirt with blue stripes and brown trousers.

"Want a ride Morgan?" Karen asked.

"Hi Karen, Hi Dan" Morgan greeted them.

"Hi weirdo" Dan said.

Morgan got in the car and Dan drove him to his house, Dan made sure to stay on the good side of most people in Crimson Falls even a weird musical theatre kid with a pitchy voice and a delusional level of confidence in his nonexistent singing and acting talent, Dan had always known that Morgan's status as one of the most popular and respected boys in Crimson Falls Day middle school was due to his association with William, but now that William went missing that status was at risk, and that made Dan sympathize with Morgan.

"How is school Morgan?" Dan asked while driving.

"Good, thank you for asking" Morgan answered.

"I can imagine things are a bit weird now after William went missing" Dan said.

"Yes, people stare at me and whisper a lot, but I can't tell why" Morgan said.

"It's a very nice thing you're doing Morgan" Karen said "Volunteering at the retirement home"

"No Karen" Dan said "He's not doing it to be nice, his mom made him do it because she wants him to go to medical school, volunteering at places like retirement homes for years on end looks good on the application, isn't that right Morgan?"

"Busted" Morgan said.

"Did you talk with Seth today?" Dan asked.

"No, we sat together at lunch but couldn't find anything to talk about" Morgan said with a sad look on his face.

"Try hanging out after school" Karen suggested.

"Maybe in the weekend" Morgan said "During the week days we're all busy"

"He's right" Dan said "Seth is probably going to stay at school after practice, the student council meetings discussing the White Rabbit Ball start as early as September, they also have to coordinate with high school students"

"Oh my god, I am so excited for that, I barely remember anything from the time I went in fifth grade" Morgan said.

"If I were you I wouldn't waist my money buying a ticket to that thing" Dan said.

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