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Hey guys!!! Sorry for the super long wait, please don't hurt meeee!!! But hey, hey, guess what? Nearly 4,000 reads on this here book! I really can't believe it's gotten so far. But, the book isn't halfway done. Expect more from me!! Aha and one more thing, I actually have an excuse! I was making preparations for my awesome birthday party. 

                                                      ~~Chapter Thirteen: Disruption~~~~~

      Natsu growled, and threw down yet another book. It had been two weeks now, and he hadn't found anything that might have helped him with his earlier question; why were his memories distorted? He stared down at the large pile of books at his feet. Two weeks worth of books, and nothing. Natsu had seriously started to doubt that there would be any information at all, most likely not even a hint. He really didn't know why it bothered him so much. It was just something that he felt in his gut.

       Natsu was nearly finished with all the books; there were only a select few left, and those were the smallest, presumably the most likely not to yield anything whatsoever. Sighing, he walked over to his chair and plopped down in it. What was he to do? Should he ask Zeref directly? Somehow, that didn't seem to be the best idea. But what other choice was there?

    He snorted. Funny he should feel this way. After all, Zeref was his childhood friend, and he knew everything there was to know about him. He should not have felt an ominous feeling when thinking about him. Natsu adored Zeref, and would do anything for him. And he was sure Zeref would do the same for him. Natsu decided that he would ask Zeref directly.


     It was later that same evening, and Natsu and Zeref were sitting facing each other, looking down at the crystal ball between them. The room had darkened considerably, though wether it was this magic power or just the lack of sunlight Natsu did not know. There were sure enough candles to light the place up. Natsu sat in his chair rather stiffly, this type of magic had never really been too comfortable to him. The air was thick with some sort of dark blue smoke which nearly choked him.      

        "Zeref, what exactly is going on?"Asked Natsu a bit hesitantly. He didn't know if he should interrupt because it looked like Zeref was concentrating. Zeref glanced lazily upwards at Natsu, he had been leaning over the ball, peering quite intensely into it until Natsu had interrupted.

      "Ah, you know. Having a look around."


     Zeref motioned towards the ball. "See for yourself."

       Natsu frowned in a slight state of confusion, then leaned over to see what he could be possibly talking about. And much to his surprise, he saw a few figures. Narrowing his eyes, he looked closer. Wasn't that the girl that he had met a few weeks previously? What was her name... Luigi? "Lucy Heartfilia..." Murmured Zeref. Ah, yes that was her name. "What could she be doing?" He was mostly talking to himself.

      As for what Lucy Heartfilia was doing, she was currently on her knees, panting heavily and beads of sweat rolling down forehead. Four people surrounded her, they looked odd enough. One was leaning over her, offering his hand. He had messy orange hair and was sporting a suit, complete with sunglasses and quite a number of rings on his fingers. Another looked more like a goat man, and he had dark shades obscuring his eyes from view. The third looked like some sort of maid with bubblegum pink hair. The last looked like she didn't even want to be there, and she swished her fish tail in annoyance as she crossed her arms. What bothered him was that they all seemed vaguely familiar.

     But what...? Natsu had the sudden feeling of eyes on him. Looking up sharply, he found that instead of watching the crystal ball, Zeref was watching him. Natsu stood up , nearly knocking his chair over.

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