Chapter 14

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A few moments passed and the smoke surrounded us. With trembling hands, we held onto each other, trying to catch our breath. The CEO's footsteps grew louder and the fear that coursed through our veins was painful.

" Raine, I want to be with you, no matter what. ", He said between coughs and I felt my heart skip a beat.

I loved him after knowing he is my soulmate. My love for him may have been conditional but his wasn't.

Devin loves me regardless.

" Devin, I want to be with you too. Every moment with you is exciting. I wouldn't change that for the world, Soulmates or not. ", I smiled and held his hand tightly.

I could see a subtle change in his demeanor. He seemed vulnerable, as if he was hesitating to open up about something that had been lingering in his heart.

" I never believed in soulmates because my parents aren't one. My mother's soulmate was abusive and my father's soulmate passed away young. Yet they found each other and they are perfect. ", Devin said and I pictured his parents. In this world where being soulmates bounded two people, it was refreshing to know his parents found each other anyway.

" That's really sweet Devin. "

" I kept pushing the idea of you being my soulmate because it is unfamiliar but some things are meant to be felt. Not known... ", Devin came closer.
" And I know you. I believe you. "

My cheeks flushed red.

" Thank you for believing in me. "

Right then, we heard a bell echo around the fair grounds. I realised that the temple doors were opening. An unexpected sensation washed over us and the air seemed to crackle with magic. Our surroundings glowed red.

Curious, we looked down and saw a bright red thread tied between our fingers.

Devin's eyes shimmered with joy and awe as he saw the thread. He pulled me into a tight hug and said,
" Raine... We really are soulmates! "

I hugged him back. I felt comfort in his arms but I also wanted to protect him from everything in my embrace.

But before we could enjoy the moment, the CEO barged in front of us. He raised his gun and aimed at our heads. Fear gripped my heart and Devin's arms tightened protectively around me. Without wasting a second, we ran, seeking safety amidst the chaos.

His footsteps followed behind us.

As we sprinted through the fire filled ground, his bullet narrowly missed us, aiming at the center decorative piece. In an instant, it crumbled and rain down upon us. Miraculously, the heavy debris fell directly on him, killing that evil man instantly.

Trapped inside the fair's centerpiece, Devin and I were relieved that he was dead but scared because we are now most definitely in more danger.

Escaping this fire was impossible.

Panic gnawed at my heart as I realized that Devin was still at risk. In my attempt to do everything right, I put my soulmate in danger, again.

" Devin, nothing will happen to you. You'll live. I won't our history repeat itself, this time, I'll save you. I promise. ", I spoke in between tears. He looked confused and concerned.

" History repeating itself? What are you talking about, Raine? ", He asked.

" Devin, in a different timeline, in this very fire, you... you didn't make it. " I stammered. In a moment of panic, I blurted out the entire truth.
" On this very day, we found each other when the red thread bounded us as soulmates. But soon, this fire broke out and you died. I went to that temple and somehow I came here. I realised this was my second chance to prevent the tragedy and saw you. "

Devin's disbelief showed in his eyes. He asked, his voice barely a whisper,
" You travelled back in time... to save me? "

" I couldn't bear to lose you, Devin. ", I said while he tried to understand.

That's when realisation struck me. I had broken the most important rule of the shaman - never reveal about this time travel to anyone.

I start feeling lightheaded, almost like something was pulling me away from my own body. I held onto Devin tightly and he realised that something was wrong with me.

" Raine? Raine! What's happening? ", He asked but it was too late.

" Devin. Promise me that you will get out of here safely. At any cost. Promise me that you will live. ", I manage to utter those words before everything goes black around me.

In the next second, I was back inside the temple, in my original timeline.

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