Chapter 7 - Gottem

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The bow is wrapped around my torso, along with a quiver full of arrows as I twist and wind around the forest. Fox is at my heels, quiet as a mouse.

I made Queen stay behind, along with all the other supplies in the saddlebags. Her large body would not have bode well for this sheath mission. Instead it was Rainbow and Fox, taking on the world.

Well, Gravia and her goons.

(If you asked Rainbow, she was so focused on this mission that they technically where her world right now— anyways.)

It takes an hour or so, a few wrong turns, a couple curses and two bitten ankles, but eventually I could see the hellish glow of the fire.

But somethings wrong.

Things are torn and cats about in an unorganized manner, scratches and scuffs are so abundant that I can still see them over the good 30 feet she had stationed between herself and the camp.

Fox squeaks quietly. I shush her.

Silhouettes trip about the campsite, shrill voices zipping though the air as I crouch lower into the bush I hid myself in.

"What do you mean she doesn't want to see me."

"Evaline has made her stand very clear, and you are getting on my nerves."

A shiver rushes down my spine.

What was Lady Jane doing here?

The pungent reminder of her perfume fills my mind, and the sinkhole in my heart opens up to swallow it. I trusted her.

I trusted her.

Fox lays a paw on my knee, and I let myself take a breath.

"You're right." I whisper. "No time to mourn. I can be sad later."

I let my mind go back to the conversations in the dark. Their loud voices make it quite easy to listen to. I wouldn't even be surprised if people in the Krewdom could even hear it.

"Evaline doesn't want you."

"You —(I wince at the swear word). I don't care, you said I could—"

"See, there's the difference. I said, never swore. Or promised."

Gravia hisses. "I want to speak your manager."

"My manager doesn't want to see you." Lady Jane drawls.

"Can I at least get a reason why she won't see me? I did not work on escaping that blasted dungeon just to have her turn me away at the door!" Gravia hisses.

Lady Jane is quiet and steps over a lump on the floor. I gulp as I realize that it's Hunter. Where was Trevor? Maybe he fled.

But what happened here?

"Lady Jane—" Gravia rushes in front of the women, throwing her arms out. "You can't just trash my camp, attack my crew, tell me Evaline refuses my offer and then walk away."

"My suggestion?" Lady Jane raises an eyebrow. "Get out of the kingdom. Maybe head north to the mountains."

"I don't want your suggestions." Gravia spits at Lady Janes shows. "I want answers."

"There is nothing I can do for you." Lady Jane pushes her shoulders back in a fit to look larger. "But allow me to say that in a language you can understand."

It goes bright.

I duck behind the bush and reach up to grip my cake hat as the pulse of power sends a harsh gust over the whole ground. Leaves fly past me, and twigs twist into my hair as locks dance past my face.

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