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Many had been talking to this girl name smell and she had a friend named Courtney ,many at first Didnt know what he wanted or was doing but he was walking down the hall and he seen Courtney and at that point said he wanted many started talking to Courtney and giving conversation which lead to one thing to another. Courtney was white had blonde hair had the cuties face and was also smart but even had a body. So many was in love with her from the beginning. Many had wrote her a poem and he never writes peoms unless he cares about them which he cared about her. They start to talk and things Lead to the big dance which many hated dancing but he decided to go with Courtney. Courtney had on a black dress with sprakly shoes which where cute . her brother John which many thought was a good guy had been there limo for the day since many Didnt think things out. Many and Courtney had met up with another couple. Which was Jessica and Ben and Julia and nick we all where looking hot like a sun on a 97 degree day. But many had a surprise for Courtney so everyone took there seat and order and many had order two cookie Oreo drinks firv him and Courtney. Courtney was amazed. Even the waiter gave many points which was good. They left there but ran into a car problem which made many mad. But Courtney told him to stop, so he did. They arrived at the dance walk in and many was nervous he had been talking about his moves but haven't tryed them in a while so he was nervous. The dance went one Courtney and her friends danced many and Courtney went to the photo booth took pictures then left went home and had a blast.
Next many was nervous about buying things for people but can't to buy Courtney a nice bracelet which he loved with all his heart, he kinda felt bad because she putts up with all his problems and he wanted to let her knit hoe much he loves her. So many was a senior and his love was a freshman and his days  were coming to a end . Courtney wanted to talk to many so . many got on her bud after school and she sat next to him he got off at her stop her. Many walk with her to her house where he stond in the for way waiting on her took off his shoes and was scared to go down stairs. Courtney put on a movie and went to sleep leaving many up by him self to watch a bording movie. When Courtney woke up things went down hill. She had for many that they should split up which suck the air out many lungs and he never got it back so many called his mom to pick him up .For after all he Didnt wanna cry in front of Courtney . he didn't want her to know that he was hurt , isn't he supposed to be a he went home and cryed like he had never before but he always kept in his mine that no matter how many miles he goes or she goes he will always love her for life

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