Sexy, Stylish, and Fake...? The story of Autumn Dean.

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  • Dedicated to All the readers:)

I'm Autumn, 17 years young, and I was innocent, I was the class "nerd". Until I had an idea, an idea that affected my life immensely, here's how I went from geek to chic..

"And that was how Abraham Lincoln became President of the United States" My teacher, Mr. Powell, finished.

I closed my notepad, and put my Biro in my pocket, time for Lunch, finally, I was ravenous. I was about to head out the door when Mr. Powell called my name,

"Yes sir?" I asked him, turning my head to face him, while smiling at him.

"I just wanted to say well done, on getting straight A's" He said, his mouth was curved into some sort of weird shape, which I assumed was a smile.

I smiled back and walked out the room. The corridor was empty, since everyone was in the cafeteria.

"Hey, Dean" I heard a familiar voice say, Lauren and her mob of sluts. Great.

"What do you want Lauren?" I pulled a face as I said her name, like it was a filthy word

"Now, now, no need to be so.. bitchy" She replied, talking to her manicured nails "isn't my fault you're jealous of me."

What? Jealous of that fake little whore? She must be joking..

"Ha, that's funny" I replied, turning to walk away. I wasn't in the mood for her at the moment.

"You know I'm telling the truth Dean!"  She called across the corridors, her voice echoing through the air, as well as my mind..

 *After School*

"What if she's right? She can't be right, right?" I said to my best friend Jason, he looked bewildered.

"Look, Abear, I don't know what to tell you, just ignore her" He replied nervously, he really was confused..

"But, I don't want her to think I'm a doormat that she can walk all over." I said to him, pacing up and down his bedroom.

"Look, I think I have an idea.." Jas' began, still sounding uneasy.

"Shoot." I replied looking hopefully at him

"Okay, she wants someone who's outgoing, someone to be the "Ultimate Lauren" he started, using air quotations for the 'Ultimate Laren' part "so be that person, be the "Ultimate Lauren", show her that Autumn Dean is not her doormat" He finally finished, looking pleased with himself.

"You know what? I think we should, turn me into the girl you would want to fuck." I said to him, a serious look in my eyes.

"Okay, but, we need to go shopping..."  Jason looked at me, meeting my eyes

"Tommorow good?" I asked, with pleading eyes, knowing he would say yes


"We're on." Smirking I looked out the window. Lauren Sladen would be mine

*Saturday, at the Crownbridge Mall*

"Okay" Jason said "we need to go to the salon, you need a new hairstyle.."

After we'd finished in the salon I went to the Ladies room, to look at my new hairstyle, that (apparently) is: "Totally this season." According the hairdresser anyway.

Inside the Ladies room I looked in the mirrors, wow, I looked different. My hair was slightly darker, the hairdresser had added extensions, which gave it a more sultry look. I had the "Ultimate Lauren" haircut, now all I needed was the clothes.

"C'mon, we need to go to Victoria Secret" Jason said, dragging me over to the other side of the Mall. Fuck my life, the home of fake,  Barbie doll type girls. Great (!)

Inside the Home of Fake, aka, Victoria Secret, Jason instantly started to chuck various pieces at me.

"Go try these on, I'll be outside the changing rooms." Jason said, leaning against a rack of lingerie.

Inside the changing rooms I put on the first 'outfit', more like a strip of black lace. It was a black corset, with fishnet thigh highs. I walked outside the changing room,

"What do you think?" I said, smirking.

Jason's mouth dropped, he looked like I slapped him across the face.

"You.. look.. HOT!" He shouted. I guess I looked alright..

After we'd finished shopping Jas' picked out an entire wardrobe worth of slutty, revealing clothes, and some extremely high heels,  that I would never wear if we weren't doing this. As well as some lingerie J' got me some breast pads, that would: "Give me a fuller bust", meaning: Make me look like a hooker. Me and J' had arranged to meet up tommorow morning, to pick out my outfit for Monday. Can't wait...

I yawned loudly. It was 9 o'clock, and I was tired as fuck. I got into my Snoopy PJ's and climbed into my bed

"Goodnight." With that I fell into a dreamless sleep.

Sexy, Stylish, and Fake...? The story of Autumn Dean.  {Chapter One}Where stories live. Discover now