Afraid to Say I love you

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Real Quick TW: DEATH

"Its Just a Demon"

The Demon looked at him. It didn't even try to dodge.

It had just accepted its fate, letting the sword swing closer and closer.

And then, Muichiro hesitated.
his grip loosened, and instead of slicing through the neck of the demon, his sword made contact with its shoulder, making a deep cut.

It didn't regenerate.

It bled.

It bled like a human being.

It was a human being.

He had almost killed a human being.

Not just any human being.
He had almost killed his boyfriend.

He cut his boyfriend.

"Oh my god.." He whispered
"Oh my god Genya I'm so sorry I thought-"

His eyes started to fill with tears and he brought his hands to his face.

"Fuck, I-"

He was cut off by Genya reaching out and pulling him into a hug.
"It's ok"

"No it's not, I hurt you"

"It will heal, everything heals eventually"

The moonlight glistened on their skin, as they held onto each other under the stars.

I love you would be the perfect words to say right now, but neither were brave enough to say it, only being able to hope they would find that courage one day before it was too late.

Eventually swords were pulled off the floor and they were standing on their feet, walking back in what they hoped was the way to the Butterfly mansion.

Genya reached out to Muichiro's hand and held it with his.

They walked under the moonlight with their hands intertwined, two boys afraid to say, I love you


When they reached the butterfly mansion they knew what to do, not sharing a word at all.
With the slice of a sword the head of the imposter was gone, fading to dust with hollow screams.

Muichiro sat Genya down on the bed and slowly bandaged his elbow, not wanting to wake Shinobu or Aoi.

His fingertips lingered on the bandages.
This was his fault. If he wasn't so stupid not to notice-

Genya whispered softly, breaking his trance.

"I promise it's ok"

Muichiro nodded.

They were gonna be ok.

They slept on the cramped hospital bed wrapped in each other's arms that night.

Two boys afraid to say I love you

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