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Zadora POV
As Dime and Madam had finished the tour with me and I had met the boys, who don't get me wrong they were very fine but in the back on my mind I was scared Puff was going to come bust through the doors at any moment and drag me out. " whatever you're running from, I promise you Madam will protect you, she meant it when she said you didn't have to run anymore , no more looking over your shoulder, relax" Dime says patting my shoulder after Madam walked away and I nodded.

" it's just I know this makeup is only going to carry me so far, someone is still going to notice the bruises, I don't want people to pity me because of the life that I chose" I shake my head as she shakes hers. " here at Eden, we all made mistakes and Madam has made sure to let us know our past doesn't define us, it's how you move forward, you really can relax, your life is yours again" she says looking me in my eyes and I nodded. " and as far as the bruises the lights will be low and everyone will be focused on the dancers, Zadora you gotta relax, I understand the day you've had but really truly, here we're like a family, one that's not going to put hands on you, we really are well taken care of here and Madam was gracious enough to welcome you into the family with open arms and because you didn't ask questions and you were already down you're already on her good side, just relax and let us welcome you in too" Dime says and then she hugs me, softly being careful of my injuries and I couldn't help but to hug her back. " now let's practice commanding attention on you as you introduce the dancers" she says after she pulls away from embracing me. I nodded following her lead.

Madam POV
I hear a knock as me and Blue were talking about Zadora. " come in" I say and Dime walks in with Zadora and she looked good now that I'm looking at her in some light, better than that raggedy blood covered sweatsuit I picked her up off the ground in. " she's got the introductions down pact and she's even decent in the DJ booth, I know the guys are gonna be nice to her due to Babyface and Feugo coming out to introduce themselves again, individually and Midnight was eyeing her from afar but she says she's not interested, told her here at Eden's temptation always wins and that we'll see but she's good" Dime gives me a rundown and I nodded looking at her. " do a spin for me" I say and Zadora turn slowly in her heels and it was tight and it was right, the kind of thing to help keep these boys in line should Dime be helping me with something else or I feel Zadora is ready to help me with bigger task. " oh she's good alright, let me see you walk" without hesitation she walks towards me and I motion for her to walk back and I nodded watching her walk, she's good. I loved her eargerness to do what needed to be done, seeing as she was in an abusive relationship I know she's no stranger to putting up with bullshit, but my bullshit pays the bills and fortunately for her I tend not to tolerate bullshit and handled it at the source.

Zadora POV
" you start tonight you think you can handle that?" I nodded. " yes madam" she nods. " yeah you gone fit right in, and you gone be well protected you hear me, bet nobody lay a hand on this pretty little face ever again, yeah I like you, Dime get her started" she said examining me again and smiling. Dime takes me back to the main area as we sit. " they're about to open the door in twenty minutes until then the boys are still getting ready, leaves me time to get to know more about you, where you from Zadora?" Dime asked. " I'm not really sure, I lost my memory at 18 that's when I met Dior, I guess from here " I say and she nods. " how do you not know where you're from?" She asked putting her hands on her hip. " you don't know where you're from?" Fuego asks coming into the conversation with Big D and they were dressed how they were in the changing room.

" okay um so we're getting personal, um when I was 18 I woke up in the hospital with no recollection of who I was or where I was and how I got there, since I was 18 that was it, I was on my own once I was discharge, one of the nurses felt bad and gave me 200 dollars and wished me luck, I went to purchase me a phone for cheap and started applying for waitressing  jobs, I was living in a homeless center and I started waitressing, and that is where I met Dior, he was charming, smiling and saying all the right things, but now I'm 22 and right back where I started, on my own" I shrugged guess I learned my lesson. " I am so sorry that happened to you Zadora" Feugo says and I shrugged again. " don't be, I've got off my feet before with just 200 dollars, I'm sure I can do it again working for Madam" I say and he nods.

" hey if you need anything, let me know, let any of us know we're a family and we take care of each other around here" he says and he pats the top of my hand and smiles. " thank you Fuego but I uh, I learned my lesson from nice smiles" I say and I look at Dime and she chuckles. " offers there if you ever want to take it" Big D says smiling, and it was a very nice smile, they both had very nice smiles, but the last smile that felt this nice, I have a four year relationship that took a turn for the worse or my fighting for my life everyday a year into it to show for how nice that smile was. I need to heal, I'm hurt, I've been blind and no matter how much I loved him he wasn't going to change, and I wasn't going to just get over it overnight. I also wasn't going to Tango with Fuego or Big D right now, too much was going on in my head. My life's has been a giant question mark since I woke up in that hospital bed. Getting laid was the last thing on my mind. I'm loyal to those who are loyal to me also to those I love, I guess that's why I stayed so long after Dior started putting his hands on me. I just gotta focus on myself and getting back on my feet, all I had was my phone and the clothes I was wearing that happened to be covered in my own blood, thankful that Madam and Dime got me a new wardrobe but I know it comes with a price, she herself told me it would.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2023 ⏰

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