Natasha's death

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CV: Right next one 

CLINT BARTON: It's a long way from Budapest.

"Can you please tell us what Budapest was?" Tony pleaded 

"Nope, that is the one secret I will take to my grave" Clint replied

[Natasha just laughs]

[Scene cuts to Vormir 2014 where Natasha and Clint arrives.]

CLINT BARTON: Wow– Under different circumstances, this would be totally awesome.

[Natasha and Clint starts walking towards the mountain and climb it.]

NATASHA ROMANOFF: I bet the raccoon didn't have to climb a mountain. 

CLINT BARTON: Technically, he's not a raccoon, you know.

NATASHA ROMANOFF: Whatever. He eats garbage.

Everyone laughed a bit, but very dryly. 

RED SKULL (2014): Welcome.

[Natasha and Clint draws their weapons.]

RED SKULL (2014): Natasha, daughter of Ivan. Clint, son of Edith.


RED SKULL (2014): Consider me a guide. To you, and to all who seek the Soul Stone.

NATASHA ROMANOFF: Oh, good. You tell us where it is. Then we'll be on our way.

RED SKULL (2014): Ah, liebchen– If only it were that easy.

[Red Skull leads Clint and Natasha to the cliff]

RED SKULL (2014): What you seek lies in front of you... as does what you fear.

NATASHA ROMANOFF: The stone is down there.

RED SKULL (2014): For one of you. For the other... In order to take the stone, you must lose that which you love. An everlasting exchange. A soul, for a soul.

[scene cuts to Natasha sitting on a log while Clint watches the Stonekeeper.]

CLINT BARTON: How's it going? Jesus...Maybe he's making this shit up.

NATASHA ROMANOFF: No. I don't think so.

CLINT BARTON: Why, 'cause he knows your Daddy's name?

NATASHA ROMANOFF: I didn't. Thanos left here with the stone without his daughter. It's not a coincidence.


NATASHA ROMANOFF: Whatever it takes.

CLINT BARTON: Whatever it takes.

[Natasha stands up.]

NATASHA ROMANOFF: If we don't get that stone, billions of people stay dead.

CLINT BARTON: Then I guess we both know who it's gotta be.

NATASHA ROMANOFF: I guess we do.

[Clint holds Natasha's hand and she reciprocates and they look at each other]

CLINT BARTON: I'm starting to think– we mean different people here, Natasha.

NATASHA ROMANOFF: For the last five years I've been trying to do one thing: Get to right here. That's all it's been about. Bringing everybody back.

CLINT BARTON: Oh, don't you get all decent on me now.

NATASHA ROMANOFF: What, you think I wanna do it? I'm trying to save your life, you idiot.

CLINT BARTON: Yeah, well, I don't want you to, because I– Natasha, I need you so so much, more than I would admit and you know what I've done. You know what I've become.

NATASHA ROMANOFF: I don't judge people on their worst mistakes.

CLINT BARTON: Maybe you should.

NATASHA ROMANOFF: You didn't, cause you married me.

CLINT BARTON: You're a pain in my ass, you know that?

[Both Clint and Natasha kiss then lean their heads against each other]

CLINT BARTON: Okay. You win.

[Clint smiles and knocks Natasha to the ground]

CLINT BARTON: Tell the kids I love them.

[Natasha returns the favor by tackling Clint to the ground]

NATASHA ROMANOFF: You tell them yourself.

[Natasha electrocutes Clint and she runs towards the cliff. Clint gets up and shoots an explosive arrow knocking her down. Clint then runs towards the cliff and jumps. Natasha jumps after him and hooks him up to a grappling hook]



CLINT BARTON: No. Please, no.

NATASHA ROMANOFF: It's okay. I love you 

CLINT BARTON: Please– [Natasha kicks the wall, falls off the rope, and plummets to the ground.] NO!!!

[The shot shows her body on the ground, dead. A boom in the sky sends Clint in a pool of water with the Soul Stone in his hand. He hits the ground out of sadness. His Quantum Suit activates and he shrinks back to the present day, soon joined by the others returning from their journeys. Cut to the Avengers HQ and the Quantum platform everyone looks around to see all the recovered stones.]

BRUCE BANNER: Did we get them all?

RHODEY: You telling me this'll actually work?

[There's a pause as everyone starts to realise someone is missing.]

BRUCE BANNER: Clint, where's Nat?

[The silence from Clint tells them all they need to know. The mission was completed but at a dire cost. Sadness overtakes everyone. Bruce falls to his knees and pounds the floor in grief.]

[Cut to outside HQ. Lakeside, Tony, Steve, Thor, Clint, and Bruce are mourning their fallen teammate and friend.]

TONY STARK: Do we know if she had family?


[Clint walks off, leaving all the avengers except Tony confused]

Steve: It his best friend, thought he would be more sad

Tony: Steve, their married 

Everyone was confused about how Tony knew, but no one said anything. They couldn't really. Everyone had tears in their eyes or silently rolling down their face. 

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