Chapter 3: Shopping Adventure

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The world around the trio swirled and morphed, honestly making them a little dizzy. Soon enough, the nausea stopped as solid ground connected with their feet. Stumbling a bit, fighting back the urge to vomit, both Scarlet and Jane opened their eyes. Taking in a deep breath, heads scanning their surroundings, their eyes fell on Sally. Her eyes were still closed shut, holding the duos hands for dear life.

"You can open your eyes" Jane chuckled. Sallys head flew up upon hearing her voice, her green eyes slowly opening.

"I.....I feel sick" she pulled out her teddy almost immediately, snuggling with him, her legs a little wobbly. Scarlet kneeled down, holding the girl by her shoulders as Jane looked around.

"Well; it's safe for now" she spoke out loud. Only then the red haired woman noted that they were in an alley. It wasn't the most pleasant smelling place on Earth, but as Jane said, it was safe.

Scarlet and Sally kept further from the opening, where they could see clouds of people going on about their day. Jane put on the ring, taking off her mask and wig, hiding them behind her back, peeking out to look around the city.

"You okay?" Scarlet meanwhile smiled at Sally, who fortunately got better. The girl grinned back, letting out a 'yep' as a response.

Scarlet got up, walking towards Jane, Sally behind her.

"Can you tell where we are?" She asked as Jane turned around with a shake of her head.

"Honestly? No idea. It doesn't feel like Musutafu. But I can see ads with heroes I know, so it's safe to assume we're in the correct world" she shrugged.

"Did you see any heroes patroling by?"

"Nope; though there's a lot of people around, so I might've missed one"

"I see. And your quirk? Is it back?"

"Not yet. How long did it take the last time to manifest?"

"Like an hour?"

"Oh well, I'll manage. Anyway. What now? Do we just waltz onto the streets?" Jane wondered, crossing her arms over her chest.

"I mean, what else? It's not like we can stay here"

"Yeah, but what if we're still wanted? What if we step outside and police and heroes will swarm us like flies around fresh shit?"

" least Sally should be fine, right? I don't think they'd put up a wanted post for her...."

"But what about us? They have our pictures from UA. Who knows where they showed those"

The moment was silent, the women wondering if they should risk being found.

"I have an idea!"

The duo looked down in surprise to see Sally grinning, her arm up as if she was in class.

"Okay, shoot"

Sally grinned wider, looking at Jane, pointing at something.

"Can I have this?"

She was pointing at the wig in her hands.

"Oh, sure" Jane shrugged, giving it to her. Then, she turned to Scarlet.

"Lean down" Scarlet just did as told. Sally used her floating to help her. The woman found her head to be suddenly much heavier than she was used to.


Scarlet straightened herself, black coloured curly strands falling over her shoulder.

"Can I be honest?" Jane looked the woman over, the other just staring blankly.

The Reluctant Heroes  | ʙɴʜᴀ ⓧ ᴄʀᴇᴇᴘʏᴘᴀsᴛᴀ ᴄʀᴏssᴏᴠᴇʀ |Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat