4. // Mandela Catalogue

19 1 0

!ALT!: sup yall

!ALT!: coming at you live from the hospital 

murray's caesar salad: dang my boy what did he do to you 😭

murray's caesar salad: it's been a whole week and blud is still knocked out

The Invader: how nice

The Invader: say how's the food there

The Invader: heard you don't like it that much.

!ALT!: invader im sorry

The Invader: you alwys say that mf

The Invader: and then you get back at it again

!ALT!: i'll be nicer this time I promise

The Invader: stfu

Lord and Savior: Invader, let's not be so rash to the fellow now.

The Invader: okay fine

!ALT!: gay detected

The Invader: you really want me to break all 356 bones of yours into 712 huh

Mr. Murray: 😟

murray's caesar salad: ADAAAAM

Mr. Murray: Oh no

Mr. Murray: I wasn't here.

Mr. Murray: leave your message at the beep...

murray's caesar salad: whyyy

murray's caesar salad: r u mad at me

Mr. Murray: no

murray's caesar salad: i've known you long enough to know that no is a yes 🙂

Mr. Murray: caesar..

murray's caesar salad: adam 😘

Mr. Murray: Care to explain what you typed in the gc yesterday when you were drunk

murray's caesar salad: oh uhm

murray's caesar salad: sorry i can't care to explain

Mr. Murray: 3:45 AM, yesterday @murray's caesar salad: i love murray's huge cock and balls

Mr. Murray: Hm?

murray's caesar salad: uhmmm that wasn't me

murray's caesar salad: that was my brother

murray's caesar salad: murray's barbecue sauce

murray's caesar salad: 🥰

Mr. Murray: are you still drunk..

murray's caesar salad: yes.

Mr. Murray: you do realize how terrible that lie was right

murray's caesar salad: yes.

Mr. Murray: Caesar... I told you not to tell anybody else..

Mr. Murray: That we were doing things

!ALT!: gay-

Mr. Murray: don't.

Mr. Murray: Caesar Torres.

Mr. Murray: You've dissapointed me.

murray's caesar salad: nooo wait baba gril

murray's caesar salad: im sorry bbg

Mr. Murray: AND STOP CALLING ME "BBG" "BABA GRIL" AND "babe" in the gc!!

Mr. Murray: Jeez!!

murray's caesar salad: wait don't go offline

murray's caesar salad: adam

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