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♤Kyle-3rd person♤

"Ever since Jamie and Stephanie broke up not that long ago, we've all really been trying to support him ,except Jason, and for some reason, I'm one of the people he kinda like clings to recently. It's not like I have nothing wrong with it. It's just that no one's ever shown that much affection, and it's Jamie. I feel sorry for them both, since Stephanie got swatted and Jamie split up with his girlfriend."

He fiddles with his hands and looks down at the floor or away from the camera, every once in a while. He couldn't bare see his sad, pathetic reflection. He couldn't even look at himself in the mirror or windows. Kyle didn't want to. He just couldn't.

"I hope Jamie finds someone else he can love. But I'm kinda glad 'cause we can hang out more, have sleepovers, have movie nights, and cook with each other. It would mainly be him, though. I can't cook for the life of me." Kyle jokes and swipes his hand through his hair.

"I mean, like, it's just nice to focus on friendships right now, and figure five comes first, you know. And if Jamie's not happy. I'm not happy. Just like one of our songs says, 'Girl, I can't date you. I'm busy dating my friends'.... WAIT -" he says, joking, quickly realising what he just said, his eyes widening, and the camera cuts.

Jamie-3rd person

"Yeah. It was hard, with Stephanie and I going our different ways. But we both think it's for the best. Wish we didn't, yet Ya'know how the figurines hate her and possibly every girlfriend I'm going to have.... Everyone has helped, well, everyone other than Jason. I mean, Kyle has especially helped. He brought me a cake to cheer me up. It worked, although the cake did say, 'Congrats on your promotion'. But it's the thought that counts." Jamie smiles at the camera, leans in the chair, and looks out the office window. He sees Kyle.

The interviewer asks about what he said when him and Kyle were interviewed, just the two of them, due to their 'bromance' and Jamie asking himself if he liked Kyle. Especially since that interview, everyone wants to know the relationship between the boys because everyone wants them to get together. "Hm?" The interviewer repeats the question.

"Um. We should all just pretend I never said that. Pretend like I didn't say it. Or that there's anything going on between us, just friends. Also, when can I leave?" Camera cuts. The interviewer scolds him slightly about how he acted before letting him go.


He seemed fine, though he did just break up with his girlfriend. But it got better, hanging with the guys, mainly Kyle. listening to music, watching movies in the living room on the couch, just eating sweets while talking to each other. Again, Jamie seemed normal, like how he was before and after he got with Stephanie, slightly more open to a specific someone. Not long after, the group was fully back to normal, going on a tour, releasing a new song or two. However, Kyle and Jamie became closer, closer than before, more than they've ever been. It just added to flame for their shippers, more content to film, to edit.

One day, as the two boys hung out, being more touchy, their hands kept colliding, but purposely, Jamie smiled at him with something more than 'just friends', as if it weren't expected, but the paparazzi followed them, spying. Only for them the capture Jamie pulling Kyle into a quick kiss. Which is followed by the other boy doing the same, placing his hands on Jamie's face and pulling gently towards himself to kiss him, again.

°○•°○the end•○°•○


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⏰ Last updated: May 03 ⏰

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