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˚ ༘ .˚🌱୭ ˚.  ᵎᵎ

At the sound of the bell, Heinz woke up with a yawn and climbed onto Ophelia's arms. "Does he do that often?" Tedros asked, staring at the white cat when they made their way through the Good School's hallways.

"More often than you'd think. Heinz is an intelligent animal." Ophelia praised. She chuckled at the cat's antics.

Upon arriving at the dining hall, Ophelia noticed that the dining hall was only occupied by the faculty and the boys.

"That's odd... Where are the girls?" She muttered to herself, looking around confused.

Suddenly, an undersized nymph crashed into a teacher. "Heaven's Saint Mary!" Clarissa shrieked, catching the attention of everyone in the dining hall.

It seems as though the nymph knocked over her drink as her once beautiful dress was now dripping with prune tea while other teachers dabbed their napkins on it in an attempt to salvage her dress.

While the commotion was happening, Ophelia caught a glimpse of a mop of black hair escaping behind the Charity steps.

'Agatha?' She speculated. She brushed it off and led Tedros to one of the empty tables in the dining hall. Before Ophelia could pull out a chair, Tedros did it himself. "My lady..." He said bowing.

Ophelia stared at him surprised. "You didn't have to!" she exclaimed. "It's nothing. It's what gentlemen do and your hands are currently occupied by Heinz so I don't see why I can't do it for you." Tedros reassured.

"If you say so..." Ophelia said testily.

Their breakfast resumed as normal before they had to part ways to for their lessons.


On her way to class, Ophelia bumped into Agatha. Well, more specifically, Agatha bumped into Ophelia.

"Agatha! Are you okay?!" Ophelia worried.

"I'm perfectly fine, princess." Agatha replied.

"Oh thank god," Ophelia sighed in relief.

"By the way, where have you been all morning? Well you know, besides at breakfast when you accidentally knocked over that nymph."

"None of your busine– wait you saw that?" Agatha was internally freaking out. 'What if she thinks I intended to ruin breakfast?!' As much as she didn't want to admit it, she kind of appreciated that Ophelia didn't judge her. And now she was about to lose the only person in this place that's actually sane.

𝙂𝘼𝙍𝘿𝙀𝙉𝙀𝙍 - T. PendragonWhere stories live. Discover now