Chapter 2 ~ Perfect God?

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I breathed in and stepped into my classroom. As i walked into my class, people suddenly stopped talking and stared at me like i was some alien from the outer space.

I plastered a nervous smile on my face as i sat down on one of the chairs, next to a pretty girl with long wavy hair.

"Hi, are you new here?" asked the girl beside me.

"Yeah, I'm new..." I said uneasily, playing with a strand of my hair.

"Well, My name is Brittany, " She said with a smile, taking her hand out.

"I'm Yumi, nice to meet you, Brittany" I smiled back, shaking her hand, just as our teacher walked in the class.



"Hey Yumi, wanna have lunch with us?" Brittany asked me, standing beside her was a short-haired girl .

"uhhh, sure, if it's not too much of a bother, "

"Ofcourse its not a bother, silly, we're friends now" She said enthusiastically "Oh yeah, i forgot, Yumi this is Chloe and Chloe this is Yumi," Brittany pointing out to the girl beside her.

"Hi," Chloe said shyly, her cheeks turning bright pink.


"Okay, done with the introductions, I'm starving!" Brittany said as she pulled the both of us by our arms.

Chloe went to look for a table while Brittany and I went to que up for our food.

I ordered a plate of lasagna while Brittany on the other hand ordered some salad, a slice of pizza, a cheese burger, a plate of spaghetti, a pack of fries and a can of sprite. For a slim girl like Brittany, she sure eat a lot.

Brittany must have seen the surprised look on my face.

"A growing girl needs to eat a lot, don't she?" She joked.

"Haha! Right," I laughed.

Chloe was already eating her packed sandwich when we sat down.

"So Yumi, why did you transfer school?" Brittany asked.

I paused for a while then answered "Family issues...".

Brittany silently nodded giving me an I-understand-if-you-dont-want-to-talk-about-it look and I gave her a small smile.

An awkward silence then followed.


Brittany and I turned to look at Chloe then looked at each other, and then bursted out laughing.

"I'm s-so-sorry, I di-didn't m-mean to...." Chloe stammered, turning as red as a tomato.

"Ahahhaha! My tum, Aahhahaah! tummm-my hurts! WAhahahaha!!!" I clutched my stomach, trying to stop laughing, but let out a snort instead which made Brittany and I laugh our heads off even more.

People looked at us questioningly, trying to figure out what was so funny.

"Hey, sis, wazzup?" asked a voice.

I looked up to see a cute guy that looked like a male-version of Brittany.

"Oh hey Will, Nothing really. it was just that Chloe did..." Brittany trailed off looking at me then we both giggled.

I looked at Chloe, she was still slightly flushed.

"Chloe did what?" asked the male version look-a-like of Brittany, confused.

"Ohhh nothing, right Chloe?" Brittany grinned "Oh yeah, William meet Brittany, the new girl and Yumi meet my twin brother, William."

"Hey," He smiled


Then out of the blue, a guy came over to our table and boy, was he gorgeous! He was tall and sorta muscular but not the gross type kind of muscular, I mean I don't get why girls think guys with 8-pack abs are HOT, I mean they look like Hulk and they're scary, and his eyes! Oh, he's eyes! they're so ... so beautiful, he's like the definition of a Perfect God.

OMGosh! Why am I thinking like that? Why am I assuming that he's a Perfect God when I barely even know him? I mean when you like someone, it has to be their inner self and not their outer self, right? if a guy has the looks but doesn't have a good heart, then what does the looks matter? But if a guy doesn't have the looks but has a good heart, then that's what matters, right? However, if a guy has both the looks and the heart, then is that the definition of a Perfect God? or is a Perfect God all about the looks? or the character? Ugh! My head's aching! Why is it so confusing?

"Yumi!" I jumped at the voice that snapped me out of my confusing thoughts.

"Yumi! The bell has already rung! Are you okay? I've been calling you for like a hundred times already, Why are you staring off in a daze?" Brittany asked.

I looked around. the three of us were the only ones left in the canteen. Even William and the gorgeous guy.... He is not gorgeous! I scolded myself. Well maybe a actually a lot, no, no! stop ---

"Yumi? Yumi! you're in a daze again! Are you not feeling okay? do you need to go to the clinic?"

"What? No, i'm fine. I was just thinking about something," I said.

"Okay, Let's go, we're late for class," Brittany said, walking away, dragging Chloe and I with her.

Brittany sure does like to pull a lot.


As we sat down, the teacher started nagging us that we must always be punctual because it's part of the school rules and blah, blah, blah....

I took out a paper and a pen and scribbled down.

Y: Hey Chloe, who was the guy that came over to our table just now?

C: You mean Brittany's brother, William?

Y: No, no, the other guy that came after William...

C: You mean Kevin? He's William's best friend. Why? Do you like him?

So his name is Kevin... quite a Hot name... I thought. What am i thinking? Rrrghh! He must have put me under a spell to make me think this way...

Y: Ooooh, okay, No, ofcourse i don't like him, why would you think that? i barely even know him

C: Well he's cute and all, plus he's nice, I won't be surprised if you like him

Chloe said he's maybe he has a chance after all...just maybe...

Author's Note:

Hey Guys! It's been quite a while since I last updated and I'm sorry for that but to make it up with y'all , i wrote a 1001 word chapter, It took me quite a while to finish it since i never wrote that much but i did , Yay! XD

Oh and Remember in the first chap. i said that, before the next update, there has to be 5 votes? well, I think it's kinda unfair to force all of you to vote so i'm not gonna force you anymore :).

So if you think I did a good job with writing this chapter in 1001 words and I deserve it, well then please Vote and Comment. Also, please give suggestions and tell me what you think, i'll really appreciate it, thanks for reading!

P.s. Brittany is played by Anne Curtis and she may not be familiar to y'all cuz she's a Filipina, while Yumi is played by IU who is a Korean, just wanna tell y'all :))

xoxodaphniekawaii14 (:

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2013 ⏰

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