The Meeting

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I walked up the stairs and back into the common room.

Fred and George looked at me and then looked away.

They were mad.

I went and sat of one of the chairs by the fireplace.

My phone buzzed.

I looked at it.

"OH MY GOSH!!" I yelled.

Everyone was looking at me.

"My b." I said awkwardly.

Fred looked at me with a disgusted look.

A first year on the ground looking through chocolate frog cards looked up at me.

"Well what happened?" She said.

"Umm someone texted me."

"Oh ok."

Actually what happened was Dumbledore emailed me and asked me to come to his office tomorrow at noon.

And I wasn't in trouble!

That is great. 

Fred and George walked past me.

"Yo what are you two so upset about." I asked as I stood up and walked after them.

I heard them mutter something but I couldn't really make it out.

George picked up a goblet of pumpkin juice from a 4th year.

"Hey!" The kid exclaimed. 

"It'll be worth it." Fred said.

Fred took the goblet from George and then threw it onto me.

I gasped, shocked that he had done that.

"You two are such dicks." I yelled as I pushed pass them and went up to my dorm.

I slammed the door shut and slumped down to the ground with my back against the door.

They never do things like that. 

Even when they are mad.

Everything was messed up.

Cedric tried to cheat on Cho with me.

Draco Malfoy had a crush on me.

Ew that is disgusting.

Wyatt wouldn't talk to me.

Fred and George were mad at me for whatever reason.

A random guy hit on me.

A tear leaked from my eye.

Was I crying?

I am pathetic.

Someone knocked on the door.

"No." I said.

The person chuckled.

"It's me." A male voice said.

"I don't know a 'me'."

"You know me."

"No I don't think I do."

"It's Ron."

"Oh. What do you want?"

"To hang out with you." 

"No, please no. Lord don't do this to me."

(the vibes I get:) 

(the vibes I get:) 

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