Chapter 1 Part 4

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Harry and Merlin arrived in Diagon Alley, the streets full of witches and wizards.
The younger of the two frowned, searching the streets for the signs of vampires, werewolves, elves, goblins and other magical creatures, but couldn't find any of them.
"What happened?"
He asked Merlin in a soft voice as they  continued to walk forward, waving through the crowd towards one, if not the, tallest building on the street.
"Creatures, most creatures at least, are viewed as dark in this time, the light is in reign, so they are banned."
The as a servant boy tarned dragon Lord explained.
"Huh? Well that's just stupid."
Harry commented before grinning.
Next to the tall doors they were walking towards stood a goblin each.
-Greetings on this fine day. Thank you for your duty.-
Harry greeted the goblins with a small bow before continuing into the building, Merlin following his lead behind him.
"So, we are getting me money here, I would guess."
The smaller brown haired commented and smiled when he received a nod as answer.
-Greatings Master Goblinteller. We are here to take some money from my bank account. Would you be so kind and show us the way?-
Harry respectfully asked a free goblin, who looked down at the small child in shock and confusion.
-Greetings Master Goblinteller. My young friend here speaks the truth. He is about to enter his first year in Hogwarts, but due to the unknown of what his parents are going to do, we decided to get some things and aquire his bank accounts before they receive knowledge of his wealth.-
-Difficult family situation? We have a few of these cases each year. Follow me.-
The goblin lead them into a side room.
-I will need both of you to identify yourselves.-
The goblin explained and shoved two pieces of paper and a dagger across the table.
The two brown heads looked at each other, before Harry grabbed the dagger, creating a cut in his palm and handing it over to Merlin who did the same.
Together, they let three drops of blood fall onto the paper in front of them, before healing their wounds.
Taking the papers back, the goblin read them over.
- What in the name of Lady Magic...-

A/N: And with that, the parts for the first chapter are offically over. I know I took long, but I have a very stressful live and write other fanfics besides this one on the side too. No, I have not forgotten or abandon it. It will just take me long to write these chapters. Sorry for the wait everyone.
Have a nice day, night, whatever.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2023 ⏰

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