Trust in your Dark Soul

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*This story part has TheTenthDoctorgirl11 in it!
Follow her!*
A scratch on the face.The arm.Bitten on the leg.An ocean's worth of blood. Trying not to cry.Praying to Aphrodite and Hephaestus.Wishing Mystery was here.Hoping Leo shows up and explodes everything."Sky..Sky..why are you doing this?Why?"Raven weakly whispered.Raven had to try her best to stay alive.When she dies,Mystery is the next target.But she knew Mystery was seeing all of this.Raven looked at the back of her hand,as if she were expecting Mystery to show up,like she,
Astral,Scarlett,Leo,Fain,and Zain always do when she gets kidnapped.
Sometimes she wished Mystery hadn't
given Raven her memory back with Dark Water.She truly wanted to forget
that all of this madness had never happened,and she was still a demigod,
training with her friends back at Camp Half-Blood when she was alive.Sky appeared."Watching you suffer is one of my dreams,you know.How's Mystery gonna save you now,huh?"She asked. Raven decided not to respond."I SAID HUH!!"Sky screamed,and struck her with a lightning bolt."I..I thought I could trust you,Sky.Why..why.."She
mumbled.Two girls appeared.they had animal print t-shirts,and bows and arrows."WHAT?!You're working with the Spirit Animal demented freaks?!" Raven shrieked.The leader want down,
and grabbed the back of Raven's head, and looked straight in her eyes. "Remember me?"

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