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Her gray, soulless eyes found mine, boring into my soul. I flinched, terrified. "Uh, hi!" I said, trying to sound cheerful, but failing. "You know what my favorite thing about you redheads is?" she spoke, her voice reverberating through the air, and in my head. "What?" I asked, hoping for a light answer. What I got was anything but. "you take the blame for all our antics!" She leaned in closer, her lips almost touching me ear, bringing on another flinch. "Can I tell you a secret?" she asked, almost pleadingly. "Uh... okay?" I whispered back. "It isn't redheads that don't have souls," she paused, "It's blondes!" I looked into her eyes, my final mistake. The last thing I felt was my soul leaving my body. The blonde walked away from my fallen body with only one difference. There, on her cheek,

a freckle.

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