Chapter 11: Development

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As Karuizawa shakes Arisu's hand, Arisu bows politely and says, "I have told you what I wanted to say. Shall we head back to our respective classes?"

Karuizawa nods as she said, "Yeah. Thanks for telling me all this. I'll see you around and remember may the best girl win."

Karuizawa runs off to class D as Arisu slowly walks to class A. While on the way to class A, she smugly giggles to herself and tries to hide a sly grin.

Arisu thinks to herself, "It seems for one reason or another Karuizawa had to put up a front or a mask to avoid something.

Now that Kiyotaka had promised to protect her, the mask has been removed and revealed a kind soul.

By establishing a connection, I not only make her more conscious of the advances she makes towards Kiyotaka but also have an effective pawn to monitor Kiyotaka and possibly class D if I play my cards right."

As Arisu enters class A, the entire atmosphere was different due to the news of Kiyotaka and her being in a "relationship". Hashimoto went to Arisu and congratulated her of finding her prince. While Kurumo just sighs tiredly.

"So you're engaging with the enemy huh? It just shows you're overselling yourself!" Yahiko scoffs trying to make Katsuragi, a rival for class A's leader look better.

Arisu smiles gently and tilts her head slightly. The entire room fell silent in an instant. A warm summer morning instantly felt like the dead of a winter's night.

"Fufu~ you say that yet it was your very leader who collaborated with class C's leader~" Arisu said in a polite professional manner.

She continued, "What's worse is that your "leader's" action was only beneficial to class C's leader Ryueen and that the deal ultimately failed as class D won."

Yahiko tensed up, a cold sweat formed across his forehead as he stood his ground. He clenched his fist and yelled, "It still doesn't change the fact that you're collaborating with a rival class! The same class that ruined Katsuragi's plan!"

Arisu smiles smugly, she had Yahiko where she wanted him. "Oh my~ shouting like a barbarian are we? We are class A, a class that should be a role model to the school and yet what you are displaying are class D qualities~

More importantly~ to answer your question~ I am collaborating with class D, to find that brilliant soul misplaced in class D to bring him to our side. After all it's a leader's responsibility to recruit potential talents and to cultivate them."

Yahiko frozen solid looks down in regret and sits back down. He failed the Katsuragi faction and it's members.

The members were disappointed and some of them were even discussing of defecting.

Arisu politely bows and sits at her desk. Her faction never seemed stronger. As Katsuragi enters the class, he wondered what happened. Before he could ask, class has started.

As the hours turn to minutes, Karuizawa couldn't help but stare at the clock. She pictured the interaction she had with Arisu earlier and was hopeful that the lunch date could turn the tide to her favour.

As the lunch bell rang, she took a quick glance at Kiyotaka to which Kiyotaka simply nods.

The both of them met at the stairwell close to the back of the main building.

"So how was your interaction with Arisu?" Kiyotaka asked.

"It was great! Wait.... How did you know?" Karuizawa stunned tilts her head and squints her eyes with suspicion.

"The details are not important. I simply want to know how was the interaction?" Kiyotaka asked.

"Mou... I'll tell you all about the interaction later in a text or something. Why don't we have lunch first? I'm starving."  Karuizawa protested.

Kiyotaka sighs and pats Karuizawa on the head, "Arisu is a very cunning person. I hope you have taken every word into consideration as there is likely a double layered meaning behind them."

Kiyotaka's word left an impression on Karuizawa causing her excitement to slow down. She tense up and realized she forgot the setting in which she was.

"The competitive nature of the school controls every aspect of one's life. It just depends on whether you're aware or unaware. Class D tends to be the ones that blissfully ignore this fact." Kiyotaka said monotonously.

He added, "What I want you to be is not another sheep. Improve on your awareness and you will surpass Horikita not only in terms of social ability but also leadership."

Karuizawa eyes widen. She nods as she thanks Kiyotaka for the word of encouragement. Feeling motivated she guides Kiyotaka to the same library café for lunch.

On the way to the cafe, Karuizawa tried to lighten the mood with jokes and conversation starters which she would typically have with her friend group during the entire duration of the lunch date.

Each time, Kiyotaka simply nodded or responded with a one or two word response.

Karuizawa looked down, she realized her inexperience with dates and her lack of knowledge of Kiyotaka is causing the same issue it had with the double date she organized between Satou, a friend she has in class D that has a crush on Kiyotaka, Hirata, her fake boyfriend and class D's male leader, Kiyotaka, and herself.

Not wanting the date to end in a complete disaster, she opened her mouth to ask a question but was immediately silenced with a familiar voice.

Edit Author Note:
Sorry for the earlier mistake. Turns out Wattpad didn't save my finished chapter before I released it properly and a draft was released instead.

Thanks for the comment pointing out the mistake Kanzaki as it was the mistake I made during the drafting process.

God I am such an idiot lol. Sorry. Hope you can forgive me as an author.

Original Author Note:
Surprise cliffhanger! Arisu certainly shined brightly this chapter despite Kei's chance to sweep the tide.

Who is the mysterious person? I won't tell. Not until the next chapter!

Planned next chapter: Short Story 1

About: Kiyotaka's perspective while Arisu and Kei was having their discussion.

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