Laboratory: 2

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"Release the Arach's tissue."

The head scientist spoke with authority as a colleague operated a computer. A mechanism within the test tube then released red muscle-like tissue. The pieces floated in the water, and the starfish-like creature quickly attacked them, voraciously eating.

"Wow, this guy is a fierce eater," commented one of the guards.

"Scan its genetic structure," ordered the head scientist.

A green hologram scanned the creature inside the tube.

"Sir, its genes didn't absorb the DNA."

"Try again."

As the scientists continued feeding the creature muscle tissue, the head guard engaged the head scientist in conversation.

"So, what's the plan? How will feeding it turn it into a biological weapon?"

"What it can do is synthesize the DNA of what it eats. But for that to happen, its body needs to 'absorb' the DNA, more like accepting it. If it doesn't, it remains the same. But if it 'absorbs' the DNA, it can transform and acquire the exact abilities of the original."

"So, why choose Arachs?"

"Arachs are the best climbers on this planet."

"Sir, the specimen was able to absorb the DNA this time," one of the scientists reported.

"Good. Now, what we are going to do is a bit complicated. We need to let it transform and alter its DNA to 100% Arach."

"But sir, wouldn't that render it useless? It will become 100% Arach and 0% Starborn. And it can only do this one time."

The head scientist smirked. "That's why we are going to make it 100% Starborn and 200% Arach."

"Isn't that mathematically impossible, sir?"

"That's where cloning by Magecraft comes in." The head scientist walked towards the control panel, and the others made way for him. He pressed a button, and a soft glow emanated from inside the test tube. The creature was cloned.

"First, we stimulate the clone's nervous system to transform into the Arach. This will be 100% Arach."

Then, another spider-like creature was introduced to the tube.

"Next, we add another Arach. Another 100%."

The events unfolded rapidly. The Starborn creature quickly attacked the Arachs, killing and consuming them.

"Now, let me explain what happened, as it might seem useless and unexpected.

1. We allowed the specimen to absorb part of the DNA. This creature can alter its DNA to match what it absorbs, but sadly it can only do this once.

2. To achieve our desired result of the specimen having its original DNA and the ability to transform back and forth, we let it 'absorb' 200% DNA. This might sound the same as before, but remember, it's going to absorb altered DNA. So, it will gain the ability to alter back and forth since it ate a clone of itself that was transformed into the Arach and an actual Arach."

"Couldn't you have just let it eat the clone and the Arach without transforming them?" asked the head guard with a deadpan expression.

"Don't question science."

"Alright then."

"Bring in the next batch of muscle tissue."

[Time Skip]

The laboratory was now empty except for a guard and three scientists.

"You had quite a feast today, didn't you?" remarked one of the scientists to the specimen through the glass barrier.

The creature merely stared back at him.

The elevator doors hissed open, and the head scientist walked in.

"Welcome, sir," saluted all the scientists.

The head scientist paid no attention to their greeting.

"What are you doing, sir?"

"The government has changed their plans. They no longer want a shapeshifting creature."

"What?" exclaimed all of them in shock. "So, we've been wasting our time all along?"

"Don't worry. They only want the creature to use the abilities of the absorbed DNAs, without shapeshifting," the head scientist explained.

"But how are we going to do that?"

"Through Magecraft." He pressed a button, and a blue reticulated scan scanned the creature.

"Now, this little guy can utilize the desired abilities without shapeshifting, just as the government requested."

"And for a moment i thought we wasted an entire day."

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