The end

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A/N: hey babessss! Yesterday I wrote this hole chapter but I woke up this morning saying it got deleted. I was literally about to cry. Anyways this is the last chapter. That's bc I don't know what to do with the end and I'm starting an new book: stranger. The end is a little fast but idk what to do else so....
Anyways enjoy reading❤️

I woke up feeling someone's body pressed to mine. It was gavi. He wasn't awake but I was so I carefully got away and put my underwear on. I went to his closet and trew on his biggest shirt. It was like an dress for me. I walked downstairs to make some pancakes for us, but then I realized that this wasn't my house so I don't know where any of the stuff is.
Oh shit, this is gonna take an while.

After about 20 minutes I was done with my base so I started baking the pancakes. That's when I heard someone get down, it was gavi. But he didn't said anything, instead he just sat down at the kitchen table behind me.
„ well good morning to you too"
He sighed
„I'm sorry amor, good morning"
I like the nickname
„I baked pancakes so you better like them"
„I'll do my best to not trow up"
„what? Do you not like pancakes"
„no no I do but..."
„excuse you!" I said laughing while placing a plate full of pancakes in front of him
He started eating them and I stood there scared for his reaction
„well I've gotta say, they're amazing"
I let out an sight and sat down next to him with my plate
„I like your shirt" he said well looking at me up and down
I laughed. For the rest of the time we talked about the game against Juventus tonight. Unfortunately I couldn't be there cuz I have an important meeting. But it is an friendly game so it isn't as bad.
„hey yn" he said out of nowhere
„hey gavi?"
„I know you might think this is going a little to fast but Uhm... will you go on an date with me after the game"
I looked at him in shock, but I obviously already knew my answer
„ I would love to" I said and he looked down at his food blushing. So I grabbed his cheek and squeezed them as if he was an little baby.
„ah little gavi is blushing" I said in an aunt voice.
We both laughed and talked until our food was done.
„well I have training now but I'll drop you of at your house."
„alright thank you" and he went running upstairs to grab his stuff.
I went to wash the dishes and to clean the kitchen cus it was an MESS.
I was done just in time he came downstairs.
„yn you really didn't have to do that"
„yes I do, I made the mess so I'll clean it" I said
„well Uhm are you ready to go"
„yea let's gooo"

So he drove me home and we said our goodbyes. I walked inside and Sophia was still not home. It was now 1 pm and I decided to go for an swim. I love swimming on my own, it's so relaxing. But before that I texted Dylan.

Hey Dylan! I've gotta say
That we aren't going to work

Ok that was a little harsh but he hurt me too so idc. I sat an timer for 3pm since my meeting is at  5:30
I put on an random bikini and jumped in my pool. I had the best time of my whole life, just kidding but it was so relaxing. I swam till the timer went off. I hated it so much and if my meeting wasn't important I would've just go on swimming but it was important. So I got out and went to take an shower

I got out of the shower and blew my hair dry. Then I just put on an cute but basic outfit. I did some light makeup and I was done. And it was only 4:30. I'll do some better make-up for my date tonight which I'm very excited for. I really do like gavi so I hope he feels the same for me.

It was now 5pm and I was about to leave when someone knocked om my door. I opened the door and to my surprise, if was pedri.
„hey pedri wha-"
He stormed inside and hugged me so hard that I barely got any breath.
He finally let go of me
„wow what's this all about... are you crying?"
I wiped away his tears
„ I'm sorry but I heard there was an terrible accident in youre street so I left training without saying anything. Yn you're like my little sister I was so worried"
Omg this was so cute I was about to cry.
„it's alright pedri, I'm fine"
„where are you going to?"
„well I have an meeting at 5:30 and it's now" I looked on my watch „shit shit shit, I'm so sorry but I have to go right now."
It was  5:15.
„yeah yeah go I'll see you later."
I hugged him really quick and ran to my car. I drove at fast as I could to the modeling school where my meeting was. I arrived at exact 5:30 and I ran inside. I couldn't help but feel so nervous.

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