Tim's Bachelor Party

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Lucy was grateful for a quiet night in to sip a glass of wine and watch trashy reality TV as she decompressed.

What she did not expect was to receive a call from Tim.

"Babe? You okay?" She asked, worried that something must be wrong if he was calling her in the middle of his bachelor party.

"BABY! HI!" He said happily.

She chuckled a little, clearly hearing how drunk he was from the lazy pronunciation of his words. "I think you're drunk. Guess it means you're having fun."

"I am NOT! I miss you, beautiful."

"You'll see me tonight...or in the morning depending on when you get home."

"NO! I want to go home to you NOW!" Tim whined childishly.

Lucy could not resist the urge to laugh at how funny her fiancée acts when he's drunk. "You'll see me later. Keep having fun with Angela and the guys."

She heard rustling on the other end before Wes' voice came through on the phone, "Lucy? I can't believe he actually called you."

"What do you mean?" She wondered.

"Angela got us all into a strip club, and he kept swatting the women away saying he wanted you. He left the club and came outside, and I just found him. Sorry we bothered you."

"You're not bothering me! Just glad to know he's okay."

"Can you give me the phone back, Evers? I need to talk to Lucy," Tim insisted, his voice was loud enough that Lucy could hear him through the phone.

"You need to come back inside. Ang is gonna be pissed when she realizes you aren't at your own bachelor party."

Tim snatched the phone out of Wes' hand and whispered, "Save me, baby."

She laughed hysterically, already rising from the couch to put on her shoes and find her car keys. "Are you sure you're not having any fun?" Lucy suspected she already knew the answer, but she wanted to ask to clarify as she climbed into her car and started the engine.

"I wanna be with you," Tim pouted shamelessly, because the alcohol prevented him from feeling any semblance of shame around the way he was acting so out of character.

"Okay, I'll be there soon," Lucy promised and was grateful they share their location with each other to make it easy to find him. Within 20 minutes, she pulled up to the front of the strip club to find Wes, Angela, and Tim next to the entrance. Angela and Tim looked positively wasted, but Wes was completely sober, since his wife had so generously designated him as the one in charge of monitoring everyone during the bachelor party festivities.

Tim launched himself into Lucy's arms and lifted her up. "Baby," he groaned into her hair. Then, his hands traveled to her thighs and gripped them tightly to lift her completely off of the ground.

She knew what he was trying to do with the way his arms were running along her calves, so she helped him by wrapping her legs around his waist and chuckled as he started kissing across her cheek and down her neck.

"Did he behave?" Lucy asked Wes.

"Better than my wife who has been dancing with strippers for the last hour," Wes answered with an amused smirk. He adores his wife's antics.

"Tim won't dance with them because he's been asking for you ALL night! It's exhausting," Angela added, slurring her words worse than Tim.

He shoved Lucy's back against the wall of the club to free one of his hands to move the neckline of her v neck shirt for better access to her skin.

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