Time Flies By

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  (Marley's POV)...

               After a few long months I realized that i didn't need Nill. Instead, I had my sight set on somebody new... I didn't think I liked him, but I realized how much I knew about him since him and I were best friends in 6th grade. Him and I kinda drifted away after a few weeks into middle school. We had a few interactions here and there, but it's nothing much. Anyways, he was the kind of person you would want as a friend. He was very kind and loving forwards his friends, and did a bunch of things for people willingly without complaint. He got all A's and has had all A's his entire life. He laughs and smiles so much. Man, his smile... When he smiles it sends me to this state of calmness. I feel like I'm in a field of sunflowers while the sun and wind dance on my face. Swelling, gentle music playing softly in my ears. It's almost like a dream. A utopia even. Everything is normal and perfect. He reminds me of the sun... I wish he knew I liked him, but I feel like he would say he doesn't feel the same. The day I saw something different in him, love i had convinced myself, I had a mission. Once I got home I went on my phone to text this kid I've also known since 6th grade. His name was Ashton, my best friend Shylee's ex. He was best friends with this kid. He also happens to somewhat be my friend. So, I asked him for the kid's number. He eventually said fine. I texted and confessed my love. I told him I've liked him since sixth grade, then things went south. He told me he wasn't in this school district in 6th grade. I freaked out and asked what he meant. I realized I wasn't talking to this crush of mine, this was somebody else. 'oh God oh God oh god...' I thought to myself. 

Me:  Wait, who is this?!

???: Mason R from language. 


Mason: oh. Its ok. Who was it for?

Me: uhh nobody. Sorry again.

In a panic i turned off my phone and laid down on my back, staring at the ceiling. Welp, there goes all my confidence. Wasted.

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Sorry for not posting in A LONG time. I will try to be more frequent. Love you all!

~SoCkS <333

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