Chapter 3: The Three Faction Leader

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Y/n pov

Soon the meeting between the three supernatural factions will begin

And we are invited to join by Lord Michael, to represent the Human faction

As Holy Mother has finally awoken from her slumber

While waiting for the depart time I decide to play piano and sing a song

As I need something to pass the time and to calm down my tired heart especially because it is the nostalgic dream

And so I play the song that a dear friend of mine always likes to sing while I would play the piano

Ah it makes me remember the time I spend with her

Talking, adventuring, and being alive

Y/n: " ... Ah... I miss this song... "

It used to always help me sleep peacefully

Holy Mother: " That was a beautiful performance Y/n "

Holy Mother: " That was a beautiful performance Y/n "

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Y/n: " Huh? Ah... Mother, you were here, I'm sorry to make you hear this kind of sad melody "

Holy Mother: " It's fine, you like this song didn't you? It makes you remember the time you spend with her "

Y/n: " Yes... "

Holy Mother: " You will go back there once this is all over aren't you? "

Y/n: " Yes I promised her that I will go back and see what she prepared for me "

Holy Mother: " Then you must survive until the end "

Y/n: " Yes... "

The door to the music hall opened and Mary and Samson come in

Mary: " Mother, it's time to depart "

Holy Mother: " All right then... Let's go "

Y/n: " Hmm... Where Judas and Moses "

Mary: " They went back to their mission searching for the Sacred Heart "

Y/n: " I see... Well they are best at gathering information and not relying on violence "

Mary: " Hmm... Are you saying I'm violent? "

Y/n: " Yes "

Mary: " I am not Violent! "

She said while strangling me with a Golden chain that came out from the cross she carries

Y/n: " My point exactly "

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