7. Mikoto and Sakura

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I can't help but notice some parallels between Mikoto and Sakura as well as Sasuke and Sakura's relationship and Fugaku and Mikoto's relationship.

The most obvious parallel between Mikoto and Sakura is the scenes with them talking to their child about their father. Both scenes start out with Mikoto and Sakura washing dishes (both are wearing aprons for an extra layer of parallels) when their kid broaches the topic of discussing their father, specifically talking to their mother about their concerns and doubts of what their dad thinks of them. Once Sakura and Mikoto realize the conversation is serious and a troubling matter weighing on their child's mind, they abandon their dishwashing for the moment to turn their full attention to their kid.

 Once Sakura and Mikoto realize the conversation is serious and a troubling matter weighing on their child's mind, they abandon their dishwashing for the moment to turn their full attention to their kid

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Moreover, both play the role of mediator by smoothing over strained relationships between their husband and their child. Mikoto tells her son that his father cares about him because he's the one that Fugaku mentions most when she and her husband talk alone. 

Similarly, Sakura promises her daughter that Sasuke treasures them both deeply.

Both mothers explain to their child that their fathers are busy with important responsibilities

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Both mothers explain to their child that their fathers are busy with important responsibilities. Mikoto explains that Fugaku focuses more on Itachi because Fugaku is the clan leader and one day Itachi will be clan leader after him. 

Similarly, Sakura explains Sasuke has an important mission that is for his family's protection, even if Sarada isn't old enough to understand it yet.

Similarly, Sakura explains Sasuke has an important mission that is for his family's protection, even if Sarada isn't old enough to understand it yet

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