Chapter 5

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I've just realized a glitch in my attempt to show up TyAnn. How am I going to convince my mother to allow me back in the house for the day. Fuck, even get her to agree on letting us stay for dinner. She hates me and I hate her, there's no compromising out of the situation. I've already set myslef up to fail now. Now I know something iffy is going on with TyAnn; Im no idiot. It feels like she knows something that she's not telling me. But every time I get the chance to confront it to myself, she switches up her attitude, making it harder to process what she could know. Maybe she knows about my obsession with writing in my journal. It's oblivious to me even if I acknowledge the fact that someone's talking to me for even a second, while im in thinking mode. It's happened plenty of times during class.
I glance over at my black leathered book that is sitting on the stack off brown hamburger bun boxes. There's no one else in the back, but me and Mia. She's too occupied with loading condiments on the storage shelves, to even notice me lacking on the job. I walked over to the boxes and grabbed my book, shoving it into the bag that was still slung over my shoulder from this afternoon. As I was sticking my hand into my bag, I felt a buzz go off in my back pocket. Placing my bookbag on the floor, I dug in my pocket taking concern of who was calling me. I haven't many contacts because, well, there's nobody to really call. The phone buzzes again, as an Unknown number pops up on the screen. I slide my thumb across the screen, picking up.

"Hello?" The voice spoke across the line. It was a deep, groggy voice; something that threw me off.

"Um Hello? Who is this?"

"Khalil, Ty's brother. You know the guy with"

"Yeah I know who you're," I said cutting him short. "What do you want man?"

The other end of the line was silent for a while, until he began speaking again with more enthusiasm in his voice.

"I just wanted to apologize for my rude behavior the other day. I never got the chance to formally meet the guy my sisters been gushing over." He chuckled a little. "Im trying to see what the big deal is about you."

"No I haven't!" A voice, who im assuming was TyAnn's, said screaming in the background.

"It's cool, my names Jacob." The line went quiet again until I had an incoming call. A picture of TyAnn popped up on the screen. I swiped my thumb across the screen.

"Hey, what's up?"

"Ugh don't mind my brother, he just likes to over exagerate about my doings. I only simply talk briefly about you." She yipped quickly close to the phone.

"Yeah right!" I heard him scream in the back.

Things were a little awkward for me right now. I didn't know exaclty what to do nor say because I've never held a conversation this long over the phone in more than a year. I usually wait for the person im talking to to bring up a subject.

"Jacob, Jacob ya still there?"

My thoughts scurried back to where they came from as I burrowed my eyebrows.

"Yeah," I spoke confusingly; as to why she is calling me when I've just spoken to her less than an hour ago.

"I was wondering if we were still on for your house today? I was going to pick something up from the store; to show my appreciation for allowing me to eat dinner with you all."

I chuckled to myself.

"There's no need to do all of that. Bringing yourself is plenty." I think I believe I came off a little to enthusiastic for my liking because the line went quiet again. "Ty?"

I pulled the screen from my ear, to discover that she had ended the call. Her brother was still on the other line babbling God knows what, so I ended the call to withdraw myself from anymore of there family until tonight.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2015 ⏰

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