Chapter One | Vampire in Minnesota

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Chapter One | Stella's Gettin' Her Groove Back

After about six months, Stella finally gotten back to the swing of things and started working more on clientele.

By scheduling meetings, analyzing patients and their symptoms, even to having midnight after hours talk with her coworkers. She was finally able to get back to her old self after being away for so long.

Stella walks into her office to see that it was the same as she left it. Decorated and empty on a cold and rainy night.  Another day where she needed to get things ready for her first client for the next morning.

Suddenly a knock at the door interrupted her and looked to see that it was Randy waiting in the doorway, just staring at her with so much admiration.

"Hey baby, what are you doing here?" Stella said excitedly.

"Just got off of work and wanted to come surprise you." Randy responded.

"Aww, thank you." She walks up to him with her arms out, just waiting for his embrace. Until he stops her and surprises her with flowers.

"Babe, flowers? Why?"

"I just wanted to do something special for you. I know that it's been hard for you and...I just wanted to make you smile."

Stella smiled at his words and gave him a kiss on the cheek to show just how much she appreciated him. The smell of his cologne lingered over his clothes and engulfed Stella's nose and felt weak for a moment. Stella then turns away before taking things further and reminds him that she needs to get ready for the next morning.

"Babe, you're going to be fine, stop worrying." Randy said.

"I know but babe, I-"

"No. Don't get like this. You're going through the motions right now and you need to be calm." He steadily is trying to get Stella to understand that she was destined to be apart of this world of therapy. And, that she has worked amounts of years to be able to get her own clientele after studying psychology at college .

"Look, how about we just go home and spend the rest of our night at home, eat dinner and watch movies, just to ease those nerves?" Randy asked while hugging Stella from behind and nuzzling his face in the side of her neck before placing soft kisses to ease the tension in her body.

"Sounds good."


"Yes." Stella giggles and lets Randy take the lead by walking me to his car. But, Stella then realized that she forgot something in her closet. So, she heads back down the hallway to her room and opens the door back to see that her closet was closed but her window was slightly open. So, Stella quickly went to close the window before rain came in and destroyed her paperwork for the next day. But, as she approached the window, she noticed that there was a someone standing outside in the middle of the road just standing there with a blank stare on their face. The stare was so intense that it sent chills down her spine before suddenly turning away.

Stella didn't think that it was a good idea for them to be out there in the pouring rain like that so, she quickly went back out to see if the person was in need of assistance, but then she realized that the person disappeared as a truck came full swing and had Stella think that the truck would hit the person. But  fortunately, Randy came in time to get Stella ready to go home.

"Babe, what's wrong? You okay?" Randy asked.

"Did you see that?" Stella asked.
"See what?"

"That person.  They almost got by a truck."

"No. Babe, what are you talking about?"

"There was a person standing in the road and-"

"You know what?  Let's go home and get out of this rain before we talk about it, alright?"

They then went into their car and started to head home until a bird suddenly appeared out of nowhere and hit the windshield.

Shocked, but Stella couldn't help but feel the same sense of urgency when interacting with the mysterious person and the quick incident. Stella then asked Randy to stop the car to see if the bird was seriously injured. So they stopped on the side of the road and went to go check on the bird. And when they get out of the car and walk over to see that the bird was hurt but it wasn't dead . Thankfully, Stella had a empathy stance and decided to take the bird to an animal hospital. But before she could even try to help it, magically, she discovered that the bird's wing was healed and suddenly flew away .


That's it for Chapter One!

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Chapter Two is coming soon!

Bye! 💋

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