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In the last 48 or so hours I have slept a total of four in that time. Yep, I haven't slept since I woke up the first morning I woke up in the pack house. I feel like a walking zombie, while sat down. Many cups of coffee have been my saviours. I've spent the full time in my office on my own. Looking over the work that needed done for the pack. I had been on phone calls back and forth with the hospital several times seeing if they needed any further support with helping the injured werewolves. They seemed to be doing okay for the time being but I made it clear to them to get back in contact if they needed anything. I could tell on the phone they were confused to who was calling them. I didn't adress myself as being their alpha as they don't even know yet. I was not going to let the pack know I was alpha over a phone call. That didn't seem fair. They have been through a lot the last few weeks and it was important to me that they found out in the correct way. That was the whole reason we were having this party tonight to break the news to them all. To say I was slightly nervous about it was the understatement of the year. I didn't even have time to really think about it though because I had paperwork taller then myself piled up on the desk. On my 5th coffee of the day I reached for the next folder. Titled "The Black Pack". It was a rather small folder compared to the rest of them. From what I could gather from the information was that they were a Mexican werewolf pack, living just off of the boarder that connected the US to Mexico. Ran by Alpha Antonio Diaz. It seemed based off of the printed emails and scribbled notes in the folder that the pervious alpha of this pack was trying to make a treaty with him that didn't go too well. Great I thought to myself as I palmed my forehead. Just what I need. A rivalry with one of the big werewolf packs.

I heard the door opening as I looked up from my desk to see Briella walking in with a concerned look on her face. I waved her in "don't ask". To which she didn't say a word. She just plastered on a smile and sat down on the desk in front of me. "Okay so, I know that being the big alpha of the pack now you have tonnes to do" she glanced over to the piles of work I had been doing and looking through. "But, the party is in 4 hours and we need your go ahead with some of the stuff". I signed mentally rolling my eyes. I really didn't have time for this. I had specifically told Briella that her and Laura had full control of the party planning. "Look Ella I-".

"Before you finish that" Briella cut me off, "I'm aware you asked me and Laura to take full responsibility but Laura had to go to the hospital to check on her brother. Therefore I need help. Unless you trust my judgment to do it myself" she finished looking me in the eye. I had completely forgotten. Laura's brother was one of the warriors that got hurt in the battle and pretty severely from what I could gather. Based on the little information she had given me on his status. Not wanting to talk about it so I never pushed her too. I took a look at my little sister and it was clear she was at a bit of a loss and it killed me that there was nothing I could do. "Look Ella, I trust your judgment. I assume you and Laura already had a set plan on what was happening anyway so just keep going with that. I wish I could help you but I can't. I have this load of work to finish before the party and it can't wait. Along with that I've gotta try make the peace with this Mexican pack and find out the status of the rogues that attacked" I basically said the entire mini speech there in one breath as I explained the situation to Briella. She looked at me with pursed lips and nodded, understanding. She got up and walked out the the office. I felt sadness over taking me slightly as the office door closed behind her. I had never turned Briella down before and it wasn't a good feeling. I felt as though I was letting her down. I would be sure to make it up to her when I got the chance. But now was not the right time.

Two more hours passed and I was down to the last bit of paper work. Looking to the final file it was The Black pack file. I had put it to the side to focus more on the situation at hand with the pack getting back up and running, after the rogue attack. That was my main priority. Ensuring the packs safety and then I could get in touch with the biggest pack in Mexico. The second biggest in the world. I scanned the single sheet of paper in the folder again to find a phone number. Written in slightly smudged black ink was what looked to be a phone number. I held the old fashioned, black dial phone to my ear. Resting on my shoulder and tilting my head to keep it there.

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